
Eliza Quotes

Six of the best book quotes from Eliza
“He was too scrupulous always,” she said. “The duties of the priesthood was too much for him. And then his life was, you might say, crossed.”
You couldn’t tell when the breath went out of him. He had a beautiful death, God be praised.
She stopped suddenly as if to listen. I too listened; but there was no sound in the house: and I knew that the old priest was lying still in his coffin as we had seen him, solemn and truculent in death, an idle chalice on his breast.
“No one would think he’d make such a beautiful corpse.”
“God knows we done all we could, as poor as we are—we wouldn’t see him want anything while he was in it.”
“It was that chalice he broke.... That was the beginning of it. Of course, they say it was all right, that it contained nothing, I mean. But still.... They say it was the boy’s fault. But poor James was so nervous, God be merciful to him!”
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