
Joe Hynes Quotes

Seven of the best book quotes from Joe Hynes
He is dead. / Our Uncrowned King is dead. / O, Erin, mourn with grief and woe / For he lies dead whom the fell gang / Of modern hypocrites laid low.
He fell as fall the mighty ones, / Nobly undaunted to the last, / And death has now united him / With Erin’s heroes of the past.
“The working-man,” said Mr Hynes, “gets all kicks and no halfpence. But it’s labour produces everything. The working-man is not looking for fat jobs for his sons and nephews and cousins. The working-man is not going to drag the honour of Dublin in the mud to please a German monarch.”
“I think Joe Hynes is a straight man. He’s a clever chap, too, with the pen. Do you remember that thing he wrote...”
They had their way: they laid him low. / But Erin, list, his spirit may / Rise, like the Phoenix from the flames, / When breaks the dawning of the day, / The day that brings us Freedom’s reign. / And on that day may Erin well / Pledge in the cup she lifts to Joy / One grief—the memory of Parnell.
May everlasting shame consume / The memory of those who tried / To befoul and smear the exalted name / Of one who spurned them in his pride.
“It is because Colgan’s a working-man you say that? What’s the difference between a good honest bricklayer and a publican—eh? Hasn’t the working-man as good a right to be in the Corporation as anyone else—ay, and a better right than those shoneens that are always hat in hand before any fellow with a handle to his name? Isn’t that so, Mat?” said Mr Hynes, addressing Mr O’Connor.
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