
Fish Story Quotes

11 of the best book quotes from Fish Story
“Can I be of help?′ Big Cat asked. ‘I want to see the world.’ Little Fish said. ‘The world is beautiful here, really beautiful,’ Big Cat said. ‘The flowers... the trees... the ocean just over the hill.”
“Big Cat returned with a large plastic bag. He lowered it into the water. Little Fish swam inside. ‘Thank you,’ Little Fish said. ‘I’ll repay you for your kindness one day.”
“Big Cat ran over the hill, and into a shabby house. “is the ocean in here?′ Little Fish asked. ‘Your trip is over,’ Bid Cat said. Little Fish looked around at the pots and pans hanging on the walls.”
“Little Fish talks himself out of Big Cat’s frying pan and back into his pond in this flimsy fish story. ”
“A small fish who wants to see the world beyond his pond is befriended by a cat who has other plans for the voyager.”
″ A tale of another fish’ ‘so big, he’d fill the kitchen’ ‘is enough to fool the cat (who’d tricked the fish into his pan in the first place).”
“i’ve got to get out of here!′ Little Fish said. ‘I’m tired of swimming in the same water. I want a bigger pond.’ Big Cat, strolling by, heard him.”
“A small fish who wants to see the world beyond his pond is befriended by a cat who has other plans for the voyager.”
“Ocean! Old Fish told me about the ocean,′ Little Fish said. ‘Can you take me there?’ ‘Of course,’ said Big Cat. ‘But first, I’ll have to go home and get a bag carry you in.’ ‘Please hurry, back,’ Little Fish said.”
“Big Cat ran through the woods. ‘How beautiful... is that a flower?’ Little Fish asked. ‘Yeah, that’s a flower,’ Big Cat said. ‘Is that a bird?’ ‘Yeah,’ Big Cat snarled.”
“But I’m all bones,′ Little Fish cried. ‘Quiet! I’m trying to read this cookbook,’ Bid Cat said. Big Cat said, ‘Hmm... boiled...baked.. creamed with almonds... Here it is! Fried fish with pickles, mayonnaise, banana tips, ketchup and mustard. I’m starved.”
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