
going shopping Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about going shopping
“There. She has shopped.That went well. Now she just has to go back the same way. The bag is rather big to carry. It is also rather heavy. A big, heavy bag -now everyone call really see that she has been shopping. What an incredibly heavy bag! And so big! Why did she have to buy such a heavy bag? Silly Grandma.”
Shepherd is going shopping in the big city with his Grandma Gogo. They travel by bus and wander around the city doing their shopping and as a treat for keeping her company Gogo buys Shepherd some brand new red trainers. This thrills Shepherd as he only usually gets hand me down clothes and shoes from his big brother!
“Soon it was time to cross the busy road again. The light was green, so over they went. They passed the flower seller and the clothes shop. Here was the shoe shop with the bright red tackies looking so clean and new.
Shepherd is going shopping in the big city with his Grandma Gogo. They travel by bus and wander around the city doing their shopping and as a treat for keeping her company Gogo buys Shepherd some brand new red trainers.
“But instead of passing by the shoe shop, Gogo went straight into it! Malusi looked at Gogo’s old shoes. There were like worn-out tires on an old car. “How much are those red tackies in the windows?′ asked Gogo.”
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