
indifferent to what others think Quotes

Three of the best book quotes about indifferent to what others think
“‘Magwitch, you can’t let what other people say affect you so much.’ I know this isn’t helpful, but my father says it all the time and it’s the only thing I can think of at the moment. ‘How am I supposed to do that?’ ‘By looking at everyone like they’re a big joke. Come on, Mags. You know high school is absurd. In less than a year we’ll be out of here and we’ll never have to see any of these people ever again.’”
“That you will become way less concerned with what other people think of you when you realize how seldom they do.”
“Gloria’s independence, like all sincere and profound qualities, had begun unconsciously, but, once brought to her attention by Anthony’s fascinated discovery of it, it assumed more nearly the proportions of a formal code. From her conversation it might be assumed that all her energy and vitality went into a violent affirmation of the negative principle ‘Never give a damn.’”
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