
subconscious Quotes

18 of the best book quotes about subconscious
“Weren’t we all crazy in our sleep? What was sleep, after all, but the process by which we dumped our insanity into a dark subconscious pit and came out on the other side ready to eat cereal instead of our neighbor’s children?”
“Down those stairs! I knew he had something hidden back there from his attitude”
“You are like a captain navigating a ship. You must give the right orders, thoughts and images to your subconscious which controls and governs all your experiences.”
“As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment.”
“The subconscious mind is ruled by suggestion, it accepts all suggestions – it does not argue with you – it fulfils your wishes.”
“Your subconscious mind does not argue with you. It accepts what your conscious mind decrees. If you say, ‘I can’t afford it,’ your subconscious mind works to make it true. Select a better thought. Decree, ‘I’ll buy it. I accept it in my mind.’ ”
“All you have to do is unite, mentally and emotionally with the good you wish to embody. The creative powers of your subconscious will respond accordingly.”
“Know that in your deeper mind are infinite intelligence and infinite power.”
“Trust the subconscious mind to heal you. It made your body, and it knows all of its processes and functions. It knows much more than your conscious mind about healing and restoring you to perfect balance.”
“All things that have happened to you are based on thoughts impressed on the subconscious mind through belief. The subconscious mind will accept your beliefs and accept your convictions.”
“Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass. Believe in good fortune, divine guidance, right action, and all the blessings of life.”
“When you imagine the reality of the fulfilled desire and feel the thrill of accomplishment, your subconscious brings about the realisation of desire.”
“Your subconscious never sleeps. It is always on the job. It controls all your vital functions. Forgive yourself and every one else before you go to sleep, and healing will take place much more rapidly.”
“Gloria’s independence, like all sincere and profound qualities, had begun unconsciously, but, once brought to her attention by Anthony’s fascinated discovery of it, it assumed more nearly the proportions of a formal code. From her conversation it might be assumed that all her energy and vitality went into a violent affirmation of the negative principle ‘Never give a damn.’”
“I had a dream about you. I was sitting on your couch, relating my succession of ideas on subconscious influence. I asked you what they meant, and you told me that free associations were a bad way to advance my political career.”
“You prefer to identify with the part of you who watches television or cooks or works — the part you think knows what it is doing.”
“It was his subconscious which told him this---that infuriating part of a person’s brain which never responds to interrogation, merely gives little meaningful nudges and then sits humming quietly to itself, saying nothing.”
“Well, I can’t explain it, whether it’s something in the actual eye, or something in the brain, or what, but I have got rather an uncanny habit of recording things unconsciously.
Source: Chapter 8, Line 66
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