
Jin Wang Quotes

Five of the best book quotes from Jin Wang
“I want you to pack up and go back to where you came from!”
“It made me nervous that someone could have so much power over me without even knowing it.”
“You misunderstand my intentions, Jin. I did not come to punish you. I came to serve as your conscience—as a signpost to your soul.”
″‘Class, I’d like us all to give a warm Mayflower welcome to your new friend and classmate Jing Jang!’ ‘Jin Wang.’ ‘Jin Wang! He and his family moved to our neighborhood all the way from China!’ ‘San Francisco.’ ‘San Francisco!‘”
“Chin-Kee, my cousin. He’s been visiting me once a year since the eighth grade. He comes for a week or two and follows me to school, talking his stupid talk and eating his stupid food. Embarrassing the crap out of me. By the time he leaves, no one things of me as Danny anymore. I’m Chin-Kee’s cousin.”
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