
being embarrassed Quotes

22 of the best book quotes about being embarrassed
“Mom pointed her chopsticks at me. ‘You see?’ she said. ‘Right there. That’s exactly what I’m saying. You’re way too easily embarrassed. Your father and I are who we are. Accept it.’ ‘And what am I supposed to tell people about my parents?’ ‘Just tell the truth,’ Mom said. ‘That’s simple enough.‘”
″‘Why don’t you get up and play with us?’ one of them asked. ‘I don’t feel like it,’ said the Rabbit, for he didn’t want to explain that he had no clockwork. ‘Ho!’ said the furry rabbit. ‘It’s as easy as anything,’ And he gave a big hop sideways and stood on his hind legs. ‘I don’t believe you can!’ he said. ‘I can!’ said the little Rabbit. ‘I can jump higher than anything!’ He meant when the Boy threw him, but of course he didn’t want to say so.”
“The moony, girlish state her notes had left me in, it sickened me. It embarrassed me. Marrow-deep embarrassment, the kind that becomes a part of your DNA, that changes you. After all these years, Amy could still play me. She could write a few notes and get me back completely.”
“They carried the soldier’s greatest fear, which was the fear of blushing. Men killed, and died, because they were embarrassed not to. It was what had brought them to the war in the first place, nothing positive, no dreams of glory or honor, just to avoid the blush of dishonor. They died so as not to die of embarrassment.”
“How is it possible for me to be so miserable and embarrassed and humiliated and beaten and still function, still talk and smile and concentrate?”
“He had come here with the intention of embarrassing a snide assassin, and had instead found a young woman pouring her secrets into a pianoforte.”
“Aziraphale relaxed. ‘You know, Crowley,’ he said, beaming, ‘I’ve always said that, deep down inside, you’re really quite a—’ ‘All right, all right,’ Crowley snapped. ‘Tell the whole blessed world, why don’t you?‘”
“A child embarrassed by his mother - is just a child who hasn’t lived long enough.”
“O, whither hast thou led me, Egypt? See How I convey my shame out of thine eyes, By looking back what I have left behind ‘Stroyed in dishonor.”
“The most embarrassing, awkward moments of your life are only remembered by you and no one else”
“It’s impossible, and if it isn’t impossible, it’s irrelevant, and if it isn’t either of those things, it’s embarrassing.”
“I named her when I was a toddler, and now I don’t get a do-over, and me and my sisters all have to call her Gamma-Gamma. It’s embarrassing. I guess we all make mistakes when we’re young.”
“I. Felt. Ashamed. Ashamed, and embarrassed and stupid, because I had brought home the wrong child and I didn’t even know it.”
“Andrew says, ‘On the whole I feel very well cared for. And Miss St. Clair is good company. But it’s kind of embarrassing when we go shopping.’ I don’t think clothes would suit me. But I would do almost anything to be somebody’s pet.”
“I wasn’t scared of missing, looking bad, or being embarrassed. That’s because I always kept the end result, the long game, in my mind.”
“How does it work, anyway? When will it be Molly’s turn? When a really long time has passed and many ladies have come and gone, it’s Molly’s turn. What is she getting? ′ A bag....′ A bag of something. Whar was it? ‘A bag....’ Now everyone is looking at Molly. What good does that do? Can’t they look at something else? ‘A bag....’
“Chin-Kee, my cousin. He’s been visiting me once a year since the eighth grade. He comes for a week or two and follows me to school, talking his stupid talk and eating his stupid food. Embarrassing the crap out of me. By the time he leaves, no one things of me as Danny anymore. I’m Chin-Kee’s cousin.”
“Such frank talk about money embarrassed Kit. Her grandfather had seldom mentioned such a thing. She herself had rarely so much as held a coin in her hand, and for sixteen years she had never questioned the costly and beautiful things that surrounded her. In the last few months, to be sure, she had a terrifying glimpse of what it might mean to live without money, but it seemed shameful to speak of it.”
“The lizards, though freshly dead, were nonetheless embarrassed, because the little gland that secretes the red of blushes or rather the yellow of embarrassment- for lizards turn cold and yellow when embarrassed- had not yet dried up.”
“But by degrees, as she got more and more tired from crying, other thoughts drifted through her mind. Had she been rude? Had she been showing off? Inside she knew that she had, and she was ashamed, and though she was quite alone she turned red.”
“I felt myself turning pink at this ridiculous question and mumbled, ‘Eleven. Nearly twelve.’ Sure enough, Beth said, ‘But he’s old enough to shave, Aunt Emma!’ in her Sweet Little Girl voice and everyone began to say What shave, when shave, why shave, who shave, how shave, just as Beth intended.”
“It was a curious fact, nevertheless, that at prayers that evening there were more clean faces among the Tadpoles than had been seen there since the formation of that ancient and honorable fraternity.”

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