
knife Quotes

Six of the best book quotes about knife
“You are the knife I turn inside myself; this is love.”
“Watching my back is the perfect opportunity to stick a knife in it.”
“Pat drove down the steep and winding road, and along the valley to Ted Glenn’s cottage. Jess kept a sharp lookout for the lost doll. ‘What day!’ said Pat.’ We’ve found a glove and a knife, but no Sarah-Ann. I wonder if we will find her – I do hope so’. Jess twitched his whiskers hopefully.”
“They searched everywhere. They lifted cushions, they looked under chairs and behind chairs, they peered behind the television set and amongst the coats that hung on the back of the door, they even moved the sideboard out from the wall to see if Sarah-Ann had slipped down the back. It was no good, they didn’t find Katy’s doll but Mrs. Thompson did find a knife down the side of the chair.”
“With his pockets full of coins he walked through Portsmouth Market. He bought an iron kettle to hang over the fire at home and for his daughter he bought an embroidery needle that came from a boat in the harbor that had sailed all the way from England and for his son he bought a Barlow knife for carving birch brooms with and for the whole family he bought two pounds of wintergreen peppermint candies.”
“his daughter took her needle and began stitching and his son took is Barlow knife and started whittling and they cooked dinner in their new kettle and afterwards everyone ate a winter peppermint candy and that night the ox-cart man sat in front of his fire stitching new harness for the young ox in the barn”
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