
everywhere Quotes

12 of the best book quotes about everywhere
“Everywhere and at all times, the love ethic of Jesus is a radiant light revealing the ugliness of our stale conformity.”
“She left pieces of her life behind her everywhere she went. It’s easier to feel the sunlight without them, she said.”
“Don’t you hear it? She asked & I shook my head no & then she started to dance & suddenly there was music everywhere & it went on for a very long time & when I finally found words all I could say was thank you. ”
“Advice is one thing that is freely given away, but watch that you only take what is worth having.”
‘I almost did not come, because I did not want to believe it.’ He smiled. ‘Now I know how to make you follow me everywhere.”
“From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere.”
“Unable to perceive the shape of You, I find you all around me. Your presence fills my eyes with your love, it humbles my heart, for you are everywhere.
“That’s how it is when a person develops an attraction toward someone. He’s nowhere, then suddenly he’s everywhere, whether you want him to be or not.”
“They searched everywhere. They lifted cushions, they looked under chairs and behind chairs, they peered behind the television set and amongst the coats that hung on the back of the door, they even moved the sideboard out from the wall to see if Sarah-Ann had slipped down the back. It was no good, they didn’t find Katy’s doll but Mrs. Thompson did find a knife down the side of the chair.”
“Grief is one big, gaping hole, isn’t it? It’s everywhere and all consuming.”
“Cats here, cats there, Cats and kittens everywhere, Hundreds of cats, Thousands of cats, Millions and billions and trillions of cats.”
″ ‘I will look for her until I find,’ said Mr. Bird. He looked high. He looked low. He looked everywhere for Mrs. Bird.”
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