
Mrs. Smith Quotes

Six of the best book quotes from Mrs. Smith
Everybody’s heart is open, you know, when they have recently escaped from severe pain, or are recovering the blessing of health,
Source: Chapter 17, Paragraph 9
“Yes, I do. Your countenance perfectly informs me that you were in company last night with the person whom you think the most agreeable in the world, the person who interests you at this present time more than all the rest of the world put together.”
Source: Chapter 21, Paragraph 16
“Even the smooth surface of family-union seems worth preserving, though there may be nothing durable beneath.”
Source: Chapter 21, Paragraph 53
“Mr Elliot is a man without heart or conscience; a designing, wary, cold-blooded being, who thinks only of himself;”
Source: Chapter 21, Paragraph 53
“Oh! he is black at heart, hollow and black!”
Source: Chapter 21, Paragraph 53
“My dear,” was Mrs Smith’s reply, “there was nothing else to be done. I considered your marrying him as certain, though he might not yet have made the offer, and I could no more speak the truth of him, than if he had been your husband. My heart bled for you, as I talked of happiness; and yet he is sensible, he is agreeable, and with such a woman as you, it was not absolutely hopeless. He was very unkind to his first wife. They were wretched together. But she was too ignorant and giddy for respect, and he had never loved her. I was willing to hope that you must fare better.”
Source: Chapter 21, Paragraph 103
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