
Mary Musgrove Quotes

Five of the best book quotes from Mary Musgrove
“I have no scruple of observing to you, how nonsensical some persons are about their place, because all the world knows how easy and indifferent you are about it; but I wish anybody could give Mary a hint that it would be a great deal better if she were not so very tenacious, especially if she would not be always putting herself forward to take place of mamma. Nobody doubts her right to have precedence of mamma, but it would be more becoming in her not to be always insisting on it. It is not that mamma cares about it the least in the world, but I know it is taken notice of by many persons.”
Source: Chapter 6, Paragraph 10
She knew that when she played she was giving pleasure only to herself; but this was no new sensation. Excepting one short period of her life, she had never, since the age of fourteen, never since the loss of her dear mother, known the happiness of being listened to, or encouraged by any just appreciation or real taste.
Source: Chapter 6, Paragraph 13
You, who have not a mother’s feelings, are a great deal the properest person.
Source: Chapter 7, Paragraph 16
I do not think any young woman has a right to make a choice that may be disagreeable and inconvenient to the principal part of her family, and be giving bad connections to those who have not been used to them.
Source: Chapter 9, Paragraph 13
I have a great value for Benwick; and when one can but get him to talk, he has plenty to say.
Source: Chapter 22, Paragraph 27
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