
Nothing To Be Afraid Of Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from Nothing To Be Afraid Of
The PItts lived in the garden flat, which was right at the bottom of the house, down the area steps, so the shed was officially theirs, but the lane that ran along the ends of the gardens was a right-of-way. Anybody could walk down it, and the sheds were on the other side.”
“Do you want a charm against warts? Would you like to guarantee that the kid next door never bothers you again? Or spend a day at school freaking all of your teachers out?”
″‘Robin won’t give you any trouble,’ said Auntie Lynn. ‘He is very quiet.’ Andrea knew how quiet Robin was. At present he was sitting under the table, and until Auntie Lynn had mentioned his name, she had forgotten that he was there.”
“The park was not really a park at all; it was a garden. It did not even pretend to be a park, and the notice by the gate said KING STREET GARDENS, in case anyone tried to use it as a park. The grass was as green and as flat as the front-room carpet.”
“There are two leopards down there. They live in the bushes. One is good leopard and the other’s a bad leopard. The good leopard has black spots. The bad leopard has red spots.”
One of his classmates tells him about her worry dolls and he decides to make his own worry monsters to deal with his problems.
It tells the story of a boy called Ciaran that has started to write his worries in a list that is growing by the day. They’re the type of worries that most children could relate to – mainly loosing things!
“Robin stared at her with his flat eyes and went back to sucking his wooly doggy that had flat eyes also, of sewn-on felt, because glass ones might find their way into Robin’s appendix and cause damage.”
“Alice and Lydia Pitt were saving up for a padlock. In the meantime they had to rely on the power of fear to keep people out of the garden shed across the lane. Alice had pinned a notice on the door: Caution Deadly Spirits.”
When his teacher discovers the plasticine going missing it turns out a lot more children have decided to do the same. They join them together and make one giant worry monster to share their worries.

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