
repairing Quotes

Four of the best book quotes about repairing
″ A Christian with a defective memory has to start everything from scratch and spends far too much of his or her time backtracking, repairing, and starting over.”
″My parents had raised me to recognize that automobiles are there to get you from point A to point B. They are utilitarian devices, not expressions of social status. And so I told Jai we didn’t need to do cosmetic repairs.We’d just live with the dents and gashes….that is my belief that you don’t repair things if they still do what they’re supposed to do. The cars still work. Let’s just drive ’em.″
“No man, one sees, can understand and estimate the entire structure or its parts – what are its frailties and what its repairs, without knowing the nature of the materials.”
“…to solve someone is to want to repair them: to diagnose a problem and then not try to fix that problem seemed not only neglectful but immoral.”
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