
spiritual wisdom Quotes

Four of the best book quotes about spiritual wisdom
“You’re old enough to pray for yourself, Anne,” she said finally. “Just thank God for your blessings and ask Him humbly for the things you want.”
Source: Chapter 7, Line 21
“But I wish the artist hadn’t painted Him so sorrowful looking. All His pictures are like that, if you’ve noticed. But I don’t believe He could really have looked so sad or the children would have been afraid of Him.”
Source: Chapter 8, Line 25
“What, methinks, is the very truth,—that this boon was meant, above all things else, to keep the mother’s soul alive, and to preserve her from blacker depths of sin into which Satan might else have sought to plunge her!”
Source: Chapter 8, Paragraph 34
“A knowledge of men″s hearts will be needful to the completest solution of that problem.”
Source: Chapter 10, Paragraph 14
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