
telling a story Quotes

Four of the best book quotes about telling a story
They’re sitting in Grandpa’s shed – a stray dog and the two children, Prince Neumann and Lotta. The dog is telling a story, because he knows he’ll be rewarded with crispy chicken skin and a warm corner of the shed to sleep. The dog is telling the story of G. Odd, the great inventor, in whose garden he used to live.
The dog is telling the story of G. Odd, the great inventor, in whose garden he used to live. And about Lobkowitz, G. Odd’s closest friend. »Nothing is impossible« was his motto, and G. Odd never tired of creating the world. But then the two of them fought and G. Odd threw Lobkowitz out of his garden even though they’d been the best of friends. Clearly Lotta and Prince Neumann have to take action …
“Chicken.′ ‘Yes, Papa?’ ‘You interrupted the story. Try not to get so involved.’ ‘I’m sorry, Papa. But she really was a witch.’ ‘Well, you’re supposed to be relaxing so you can fall asleep.”
“All these scents and sounds are part of the story I have to tell, with light and darkness, shadows and tragedy interwoven.”
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