
David Ezra Stein Quotes

60 of the best book quotes from David Ezra Stein
“Cowboy Ned’s birthday is tomorrow, and he’s sad because nobody is around to celebrate. To cheer him up, his good friend Andy the horse journeys into the desert to find some birthday cake.”
“Cowboy Ned and Andy are sweet, caring friends and the desert is a nice locale - a good change of pace from the usual farm animal stories.”
“Cowboy Ned and his horse Andy are the very best of friends. Life on the range can be lonely, but they always have each other. ”
“Andy walked on. He was far from camp now, and I seemed that dawn was close at hand. ‘Oh, how I wish I had a birthday cake for my friend Cowboy Ned so he could have cake on his birthday,’ said Andy. ”
“Tomorrow is my birthday, Andy. I’ll be another year older, and no one is around to celebrate. I miss my sister, Nedna; my brother, Nedrick; and my mother -we just call her Ma. Well, I’m glad you’re here. Good night.”
“But when Andy finds a banjo-playing cowboy who is as old as the hills, he learns something very important about birthdays.”
“After meeting a cricket, an owl, and finally making a friend, Andy realizes that being with Cowboy Ned is the best present of all.”
“They moved in a long train over the dusty earth. At noon they drank from a cool river. When night came, they were one day farther from home. Cowboy Ned wrapped his poncho tight in the evening cool. ”
“Cowboy Ned and Andy are sweet, caring friends and the desert is a nice locale - a good change of pace from the usual farm animal stories.”
“When Cowboy Ned tells his faithful horse, Andy, that it’s his birthday, Andy goes in search of the perfect birthday present.”
“Good evening,′ said Andy. ‘And would you have such as thing as a birthday cake about? I need one for my friend Cowboy Ned so he can have a cake on his birthday.”
“Papa is Little Red Chicken’s father who proves to be very patient and forgiving. He seems to be quite tired throughout the story and wishes Little Red Chicken would go to bed so he could get some rest also.”
″...Out jumped a little red chicken, and she said, ‘Don’t talk to strangers!’ so Little Riding Hood didn’t. The End.′ ‘Chicken.’ ‘Yes, Papa?’ ‘You did it again. You interrupted two stories, and you’re not even sleepy!”
“And so the good feelings make their way round the world.
″... one of his students, kickboxer Sensacia Golpes decided to be a teacher, too. She had her cousin record her in the plaza and put the video online.”
“At bedtime, he danced his brother, Ichabod, to sleep. Because Kotz danced him to sleep, Ichabod slept all night through.”
“I work like a dog all day. When I get home, I fetch my own slippers.”
“If someone told me, ‘Sit!’ I wouldn’t do it. Even if they said, ‘I’ll give you a bone.”
“Every morning when I look in the mirror, I lick my own face because I am so happy to see me. I say, ‘good do. I am a good dog.”
“Finally, Papa tells Little Red Chicken to tell him a story. This is a delightful and funny read ...”
“Little Red Chicken is portrayed to be quite young, very enthusiastic and energetic considering this book is based at night. ”
“She is very involved with the stories and wants what is best for the characters. She is unable to rest while being read to but does seem to appreciate her father. In the animated series, her name is Piper.”
“It’s bedtime for the little red chicken and Papa is going to read her a story. ‘You’re not going to interrupt the story tonight, are you?’ asks Papa. ‘Oh no, Papa. I’ll be good,’ says the little Red Chicken.”
“Chicken.′ ‘Yes, Papa?’ ‘You interrupted the story. Try not to get so involved.’ ‘I’m sorry, Papa. But she really was a witch.’ ‘Well, you’re supposed to be relaxing so you can fall asleep.”
“A series of kindly acts comes full circle in this heartwarming, yet never saccharine story.”
“When a young girl named Amelia smiles at her neighbor, she has no idea how much her simple smile will affect the world.”
“Zesta Crump and her ballet club in England saw the video and decided to add some moves to their goodwill recital... ”
“I’m my own dog. Nobody owns me. I own myself.”
“Sometimes I throw a stick. Then I go get it. It’s fun.”
“Then I give myself a good scratch. But there’s this one spot I can’t reach, rich in the middle of my back. One time it got so bad, I let someone scratch it.”
“The little guy followed me home. I felt sorry for him. So I got a leash. How else am I supposed to led him around.”
″... she made shadow puppets with Dadmouse during a blackout - and just like that, the events of the past few days come to vivid life in her letter, as does her love for Grandmouse.”
″... experiencing a blackout, and playing with her brother. The story is jolly and warm, filled with homey details, a loving family and the joys of the small things in life.”
“i’m my own dog. Nobody owns me. I own myself. I work like a dog all day.”
“Many dogs have human owners. Not this dog. He fetches his own slippers, curls up at his own feet, and gives himself a good scratch.”
“A favorite joke inspires this charming tale, in which a little chicken’s habit of interrupting bedtime stories is gleefully turned on its head. It’s time for ...”
“Whether it’s Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, or Chicken Little, as soon as the story gets going.... out jumps the little red chicken _right into the story_saving the characters from danger and ending the story early.”
″... she found a cat whisker at the zoo, she taught her ladybug to fetch, she made shadow puppets with Dadmouse during a blackout ... ”
“Mouserella misses her grandmother. She had to go back to the country, and Mouserella lives in the city.”
“So her mother suggested she write a letter, and she did! The pages are filled with drawings, photographs, and plenty of great details.”
″ Clearly, she loves the woman and misses her and wants to share everything that’s going on. She teaches her ladybug to fetch, practices her posture by carrying a book across the room on her tail..”
“But there is one spot, in the middle of his back, that he just can’t reach.”
“So one day, he lets a human scratch it. And the poor little fella follows him home. What can the dog do but get a leash to lead the guy around with?”
“Oh, Papa. I couldn’t let that little chicken get all upset over an acorn! Please read one more story, and I promise I’ll fall asleep.′ ‘But Chicken,’ said Papa, ‘we are out of stories.”
“I curled up at my own feet. Sometimes, If I am not comfortable I tell myself to roll over.”
“I like showing him things. ‘Look, look, look! That’s is a squirrel,’ I say. I taught him the stick game. I have him throw. I don’t know if he understands my all commands yet, but he’s leaning.”
“Mouserella misses her grandmouse, so she writes her a letter. At first she can’t think of anything to say...”
“Though Mouserella doesn’t think there is much to share, she actually finds lots of everyday things to talk about: creating seed parachutes, visiting a museum..”
“It is a fun twist and turn on the dog/owner idea. We witness the dog’s view of the world.”
″ And the poor little fella follows him home. What can the dog do but get a leash to lead the guy around with?”
“Lionel ate one of the cookies. He decided to share the rest with his class... and teaching them an English son about cookies.”
“The cookies give Lionel an idea, and his idea inspires a student, who in turn inspires a ballet troupe - in England!”
″ Israel, Kotz Gluberman, age four, who was in the audience, decided he liked dancing after all.”
“Dog lovers of all ages will revel in the humorous role-reversal as this dog teaches his human all the skills he needs to be a faithful companion.”
“A young mouse sits down to write her grandmother a letter, but she can’t think of anything to say. All of a sudden, though ...
“A dog feels he does not need an owner until one day he needs someone to scratch where he cannot reach.”
“Because Amelia smiles as she skips down the street, her neighbor Mrs Higgins smiles too, and decides to send some cookies to her grandson Lionel - in Mexico.”
“The book gives readers a comical peek into the life of man’s best friend. Our protagonist is a self-reliant canine...”
“At the butterfly tent I put honey from the cafeteria on my ears so butterflies would land on me. But none did...I had to wash the honey off in the water fountain. And that’s all that happened. But on Tuesday, there was a BLACKOUT and we ha to eat all the ice pops from the freezer...”
“Dog lovers of all ages will revel in the humorous role-reversal as this dog teaches his human all the skills he needs to be a faithful companion.”

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