
"the wishing chair" Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about "the wishing chair"
“Oh, Peter, to think we’ve got a magic chair- a wishing-chair!”
″‘Binky, will you do something for us?’ asked Mollie. ‘You know we can’t be with the magic chair always to watch when it grows wings, but if you could watch it for us, and come and tell us when you see it has wings, then we could rush to our playroom and go on another adventure.‘”
“And suddenly the children noticed that its little red wings had gone from the legs! It looked just an ordinary chair now!”
“What an adventure! Cheer up, Binky! We’ll take you home with us! You shall live with us, if you like. We have a fine playroom at the end of our garden. You can live there and no one will know. What fun we’ll have with you and the wishing-chair!”
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