
to live Quotes

22 of the best book quotes about to live
“Perhaps he would ask me what books mean to me. I would tell him that it means living another life; that I am in love with both my lost best friend and my boyfriend and I need to believe in another life.”
“On the most elemental level the organism works actively against its own fragility by seeking to expand and perpetuate itself in living experience; instead of shrinking, it moves toward more life.”
“But he has made her happy in the only place where people really live, the few-second-wide window of Now.”
“It is difficult to live in the present, pointless to live in the future and impossible to live in the past.”
“Across the board, I just get so scared. But I don’t want to live in a state of trepidation. I want to live in front of you, with you.”
″‘You are not alone,’ he said. ‘I live in my children...‘”
“One must live.”
“My courtiers called me the Happy Prince, and happy indeed I was, if pleasure be happiness. So I lived and so I died. ”
″ ‘When I was alive and had a human heart,’ answered the statue, ‘I did not know what tears were, for I lived in the Palace of Sans-Souci, where sorrow is not allowed to enter.’ ”
“I can only stay a week. I’ve arranged it all beautifully, and I shall live here in this loft; Father never dreams of coming here, so it will be quite safe, and you can all bring me food.”
“How you live is truly a choice. What you’re going to do and who you are going to do it with, those are choices only you can make.”
“This Little House shall never be sold for gold or silver and she will live to see our great-great-grandchildren’s great-great-grandchildren living in her.”
“Way off in the distance she could see the lights of the city. The Little House was curious about the city and wondered what it would be like to live there.”
“No one wanted to live in her or take care of her anymore. She couldn’t be sold for gold or silver, so she just stayed there and watched.”
“If they both lived through the battle!”
Linnea and Mr. Bloom take a trip to Paris to see where Claude Monet lived and painted.
“Aunt Tissie, I could live here for ever and ever.”
“What an adventure! Cheer up, Binky! We’ll take you home with us! You shall live with us, if you like. We have a fine playroom at the end of our garden. You can live there and no one will know. What fun we’ll have with you and the wishing-chair!”
″...and they live without doctors, with nary a care.”
“In those green-pastured mountains of Fotta-fa-Zee everybody feels fine at a hundred and three...”
“The day is close to us that must end all, if it may be so; and now is the chance that we may live and learn.”
Source: Chapter 23, Line 59
“There are here some who would stand between you and death. You must not die. You must not die by any hand; but least of all by your own. Until the other, who has fouled your sweet life, is true dead you must not die; for if he is still with the quick Un-Dead, your death would make you even as he is. No, you must live! You must struggle and strive to live, though death would seem a boon unspeakable. You must fight Death himself, though he come to you in pain or in joy; by the day, or the night; in safety or in peril!
Source: Chapter 24, Line 12

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