Freedom Bird
Freedom Bird

Freedom Bird

Written by Jerdine Nolen & illustrated by James E. Ransome
5 - 9
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Lexile measure
Jan 14, 2020
Publication date

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What Does Bookroo Think of Freedom Bird

A story of freedom beautifully weaved through hardship, hope, and courage.

Like the beautiful pattern of a quilt, Millicent and John’s lives were influenced by the actions, beliefs, and examples of their family long ago, passed down, altered, and sewn together to create the quilt of their lives. Through mountains of struggles and the hardships of slavery, Freedom Bird is a story of the hope and courage resounding in the triumph of Millicent and John’s escape to freedom, told from a storyteller in a similar echo of the stories Samuel and Maggie, John and Millicent’s parents, told their children. When a bird is shot down and left for dead in the fields, the children lay up at night with worry for the bird until they venture out to see if they can help it. They hide the bird, caring for it even when John is taken away to another farm for months, until they follow the healed bird into the night, running after it and towards their freedom. This powerful story is laced with significant metaphors, producing an engaging narrative full of imagery, depth, and symbolism. The bold illustrations emotionally evoke the song of freedom, creating lasting images like that of Millicent with the outstretched wings of a bird. While a powerful story for even young readers, the allegorical aspects of this authentic tale will be most appreciated by adults.

What Kind of Book is Freedom Bird


slaveryfreedombirdscivil rights movementwarfamilymultigenerationalthe Civil War1850-1899

Race, Ethnicities, & Nationalities

Where Does Freedom Bird Stand Out

  • Heartstrings

    The “Heartstrings” badge is awarded to books that provoke an exceptionally tender emotional response.

What Questions Should I Ask My Child

  • John and Millicent showed such bravery in their actions throughout the story. They took the bird to safety, stayed strong when they were separated, and chose to run for freedom. Why do you think they were so brave?
  • The beginning line talks about a pattern in actions weaved together down through posterity, like a quilt. Samuel and Maggie had talked with their children about birds and freedom, which influenced Millicent and John's story. What patterns are in your family history that have influenced your life?


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Book Details

Publication Date
January 14, 2020
Simon SchusterPaula Wiseman Books
Original Publication Date
January 14, 2020
Text Details
The text for this book was set in Chaparral Pro.
Page Count
Words Per Page
Reading Age
5 - 9 years
Lexile® Level
Est. Fountas & Pinnell Level
ATOS® Book Level
Accelerated Reader® Points
Accelerated Reader Quiz
Accelerated Reader Interest Level

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Core Score - 50%

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Depth Score - 43%

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