Book Series

Barnstormers Books

Game 3
Game 3
Game 3
Game 3
Game 3
chapter • 197 Pages
Game 3
#3 in Series
Book #3

Game 3

Written by Phil Bildner & illustrated by Loren Long
7 - 10
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Mar 1, 2008
Publication date


PREGAME RECAP As the Travelin’ Nine head to Chicago, the team is filled with hope and optimism. After a disappointing loss in Cincinnati at the start of their baseball tour, the heroes of the Spanish-American War bounced back in Louisville. Doc and Woody came through with timely fielding, Crazy Feet and Tales smacked clutch hits, and champion horses provided that extra kick, helping the barnstormers to their come-from-behind victory. By the end of the thrilling contest, there was no doubt in the minds of Griffith, Ruby, and Graham that the baseball their Uncle Owen had given to them on the night of their father’s funeral was magical. Indeed, the mysteries surrounding their baseball, which their uncle had urged them to keep secret, were deepening. And as excited as they were by the barnstormers’ win, the Payne siblings’ fears and worries continued to grow. Uncle Owen’s tattered, bloody letter had warned them about the Chancellor. What’s more, they’d seen the Chancellor’s men lurking at the Louisville game. Griffith and Ruby now realized that their adventure was about far more than raising money to pay off a family debt. But what exactly was it about? After the Louisville match, Griffith confronted his mother. She denied that the Chancellor could be involved, but she promised to answer all of Griffith’s questions on the train to Chicago…

Barnstormers Series

1 book
chapter • 197 Pages
Game 3
20083Game 3197

The Creatives Behind the Book

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