Year | Title | Pages |
2022 | Witch in the City | 64 |
2023 | Witch in the Country | 80 |
2024 | Witch in the Spotlight | 80 |
Kallie George is an author, speaker and instructor of creative writing workshops. She has a master’s degree in children’s literature from the University of British Columbia. She has worked in the publishing industry and been a picture book editor for a number of years. She has written many acclaimed, award-winning books for young readers including the chapter book series, The Heartwood Hotel and The Magical Animal Adoption Agency, and her latest, a middle grade series, Wings of Olympus. Her picture books include, Duck, Duck, Dinosaur, Secrets I Know, The Lost Gift, and The Doll Hospital. Her early readers include the Tiny Tales series, and Anne Arrives, inspired by Anne of Green Gables. Kallie has always loved writing from the time she was a child, and now loves to bring that same joy to the students she meets. More information about Kallie is available on her websites at,, and
Birgitta Sif is a designer and artist and the author-illustrator of Oliver and Frances Dean Who Loved to Dance and Dance. Born in Reykjavik, Iceland, Birgitta Sif now lives with her family in Sweden.