Team Jake Maddox Books

Win or Lose
On Guard
Playing Forward
Off the Bench
Quarterback Comeback
chapter • 72 Pages
Win or Lose
Book #1

Win or Lose

Written by Eric Stevens and Jake Maddox & illustrated by Sean Tiffany
8 - 11
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Jan 1, 2010
Publication date


Wildcats center PJ Harris is the tallest player on the team. Everyone expects him to be a natural on the court. He’s an all-star, except for one thing. He’s horrible at free throws. When a game comes down to PJ’s free throws making the difference between win or lose, he freaks! Can he solve his problem in time to earn back the respect of his coach and teammates and himself?

Team Jake Maddox Series

Published from 2010 - 2010
8 books
chapter • 72 Pages
Win or Lose
chapter • 72 Pages
On Guard
chapter • 72 Pages
Playing Forward
chapter • 72 Pages
Off the Bench
chapter • 72 Pages
Quarterback Comeback
chapter • 72 Pages
Linebacker Block
chapter • 72 Pages
Running Back Dreams
chapter • 72 Pages
Speed Receiver

The Creatives Behind the Books

    Jake Maddox

    Who is Jake Maddox? Athlete, author, world-traveler - or all three? He has surfed in Hawaii, scuba-dived in Australia, and climbed the mountains of Peru and Alaska. His books range from the most popular team sports to outdoor activities to survival adventures and even to auto racing. His exploits have inspired numerous writers to walk in his footsteps - literally! Each of his stories is stamped with teamwork, fair play, and a strong sense of self-worth and discipline. Always a team-player, Maddox realizes it takes more than one man (or woman) to create a book good enough for a young reader. He hopes the lessons learned on the court, field, or arena and the champion sprinter pace of his books can motivate kids to become better athletes and lifelong readers.

    Sean Tiffany

    Sean Tiffany has worked as an illustrator for more than twenty-five years. He has illustrated more than sixty children’s books for Capstone and has been an instructor at the famed Joe Kubert School in northern New Jersey. He mixes his love of comics, art, and rock and roll in the multimedia project OilCan Drive. Raised on a small island off the coast of Maine, Sean now resides in Boulder, Colorado with his wife, Monika, their son, James, and a house full of entirely too many guitars.

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