Book Series

Trophy Chapter Book Books

In order from One Day in the Prairie to Swimming with Sharks
One Day in the Prairie
A Dolphin Named Bob
Swimming with Sharks
One Day in the Prairie
A Dolphin Named Bob
chapter • 64 Pages
One Day in the Prairie
Book #1

One Day in the Prairie

Written by Jean Craighead George & illustrated by Bob Marstall
6 - 10
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Apr 12, 1996
Publication date


Henry Rush is spending the day at the Prairie Wildlife Refuge, determined to photograph a prairie dog doing a back flip. But while he watches and waits at the edge of prairie dog town, he fails to notice the electricity humming through the air. Or the buffalo anxiously pawing the ground. Or the purple-blue cloud building over the prairie grass. A tornado is forming to the west. And when the dark funnel touches down, it will wipe out everything in its path…

Trophy Chapter Book Series

Published from 1996 - 1999
3 books
chapter • 64 Pages
One Day in the Prairie
chapter • 80 Pages
A Dolphin Named Bob
chapter • 128 Pages
Swimming with Sharks
1996One Day in the PrairieBob Marstall64
1998A Dolphin Named BobChristine Herman Merrill80
1999Swimming with SharksYong Chen128

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