Book Series

Fourth Grade Rats Books

Third Grade Angels
Third Grade Angels
Third Grade Angels
Third Grade Angels
Third Grade Angels
chapter • 160 Pages
Third Grade Angels
Book #0

Third Grade Angels

Written by Jerry Spinelli & illustrated by Jennifer A. Bell
7 - 10
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Jul 29, 2014
Publication date


The long-awaited prequel to the bestseller FOURTH GRADE RATSGeorge, aka “Suds,” has just entered third grade, and he’s heard the rhyme about “first grade babies/second grade cats/third grade angels/fourth grade rats,” but what does this mean for his school year? It means that his teacher, Mrs. Simms, will hold a competition every month to see which student deserves to be awarded “the halo” - which student is best-behaved, kindest to others, and, in short, perfect. Suds is determined to be the first to earn the halo, but he’s finding the challenge of always being good to be more stressful than he had anticipated. Does he have to be good even outside of school? (Does he have to be nice to his annoying little sister?) And if Mrs. Simms doesn’t actually see him doing a good deed, does it even count?A warm, funny return to elementary school from master storyteller Spinelli.

Fourth Grade Rats Series

1 book
chapter • 160 Pages
Third Grade Angels
2014Third Grade Angels160

The Creatives Behind the Book

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