Author & Illustrator

Brian Biggs


Brian Biggs is the author and illustrator of many books for kids, including the Tinyville Town books, the New York Times bestselling Frank Einstein series (written by Jon Scieszka), Everything Goes, and Bike & Trike by Elizabeth Verdick. Brian has worked as an art director, graphic designer, and animator for interactivity and multimedia projects. His illustrations have appeared in magazines, newspapers, advertising, posters, toys, and puzzles. He works in an old garage. Visit him at

On Top of Linguine
My Hero
Bike & Trike
The Space Walk
At the Firehouse
Frank Einstein and the Space-Time Zipper
What Kind of Car Does a T. Rex Drive?
Frank Einstein and the Bio-Action Gizmo
I'm a Mail Carrier
Frank Einstein and the EvoBlaster Belt

Most Popular Brian Biggs Books

    picture • 24 Pages
    I'm a T. Rex!
    Dennis R. Shealy, Brian Biggs
    picture • 24 Pages
    Football with Dad
    Frank Berrios, Brian Biggs
    picture • 32 Pages
    Noisy Night
    Mac Barnett, Brian Biggs
    chapter • 208 Pages
    Frank Einstein and the Antimatter Motor
    Jon Scieszka, Brian Biggs
    chapter • 176 Pages
    EllRay Jakes Stands Tall
    Brian Biggs, Sally Warner
    chapter • 192 Pages
    Frank Einstein and the Electro-Finger
    Jon Scieszka, Brian Biggs

Book Stats


All Brian Biggs Books

2024On Top of LinguineBrian Biggs10
2022My HeroBrian BiggsBrian Biggs40
2020Bike & TrikeElizabeth Weiss VerdickBrian Biggs48
2019The Space WalkBrian BiggsBrian Biggs40
2019At the FirehouseBrian Biggs22
2019Frank Einstein and the Space-Time ZipperJon ScieszkaBrian Biggs176
2019What Kind of Car Does a T. Rex Drive?Mark LeeBrian Biggs40
2018Frank Einstein and the Bio-Action GizmoJon ScieszkaBrian Biggs192
2018I'm a Mail CarrierBrian Biggs22
2017Frank Einstein and the EvoBlaster BeltJon ScieszkaBrian Biggs224
2017Frank Einstein and the BrainTurboJon ScieszkaBrian Biggs208
2017Time for School!Brian Biggs32
2017Frank Einstein and the Electro-FingerJon ScieszkaBrian Biggs192
2017Frank Einstein and the Antimatter MotorJon ScieszkaBrian Biggs208
2017I'm a LibrarianBrian Biggs22
2017Noisy NightMac BarnettBrian Biggs32
2016Don't Tap-Dance on Your TeacherKatherine ApplegateBrian Biggs128
2016Never Walk in Shoes That TalkKatherine ApplegateBrian Biggs128
2016I'm a VeterinarianBrian Biggs22
2016I'm a FirefighterBrian Biggs22
2016Tinyville Town Gets to Work!Brian Biggs32
2016Never Swim in ApplesauceKatherine ApplegateBrian Biggs128
2016EllRay Jakes Stands TallSally WarnerBrian Biggs176
2015EllRay Jakes the Recess King!Sally WarnerBrian Biggs176
2015Football with DadFrank BerriosBrian Biggs24
2015Brownie & Pearl Go for a SpinCynthia RylantBrian Biggs24
2014EllRay Jakes Rocks the Holidays!Sally WarnerBrian Biggs160
2014Dog Days of SchoolKelly DiPucchioBrian Biggs40
2014Brownie & Pearl Step OutCynthia RylantBrian Biggs24
2014EllRay Jakes Is Magic!Sally WarnerBrian Biggs176
2013By SeaBrian BiggsBrian Biggs56
2013Santa Goes Everywhere!Brian BiggsBrian Biggs24
2013EllRay Jakes and the BeanstalkSally WarnerBrian Biggs144
2013Good Night, TrucksBrian BiggsBrian Biggs24
2013EllRay Jakes the Dragon Slayer!Sally WarnerBrian Biggs144
2013Henry on WheelsBrian BiggsSimon AbbottBrian Biggs32
2012In the AirBrian BiggsBrian Biggs56
2012Everything Goes: Henry Goes SkatingBrian BiggsBrian BiggsSimon Abbott32
2012Brownie & Pearl Make GoodCynthia RylantBrian Biggs24
2012Everything Goes: Henry in a JamBrian BiggsSimon AbbottBrian Biggs32
2011Brownie & Pearl Hit the HayCynthia RylantBrian Biggs24
2011On LandBrian BiggsBrian Biggs56
2011Brownie & Pearl Take a DipCynthia RylantBrian Biggs24
2010Brownie & Pearl See the SightsCynthia RylantBrian Biggs24
2010I'm a T. Rex!Dennis R. ShealyBrian Biggs24
2010Brownie & Pearl Get Dolled UpCynthia RylantBrian Biggs24
2008Never Swipe a Bully's BearKatherine ApplegateBrian Biggs96
2008Don't Swap Your Sweater for a DogKatherine ApplegateBrian Biggs96
2008Never Glue Your Friends to ChairsKatherine ApplegateBrian Biggs96
1960I'm a Police OfficerBrian Biggs22


Dennis R. Shealy
Frank Berrios
Mac Barnett
Jon Scieszka
Sally Warner
Kelly DiPucchio
Cynthia Rylant
Mark Lee
Simon Abbott
Katherine Applegate
Elizabeth Weiss Verdick


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