
Erin Hunter


Erin Hunter is inspired by a love of animals and a fascination with the ferocity of the natural world. As well as having great respect for nature in all its forms, Erin enjoys creating rich, mythical explanations for animal behavior. She is the author of the Warriors, Seekers, Survivors, and Bravelands series. She lives in the UK. Visit her online at

Warriors Graphic Novel: The Prophecies Begin #2 (Graphic Novel)
Fire and Ash
Warriors: The Elders' Quest
Realm of Lost Spirits
Ivypool's Heart
Warriors Graphic Novel: The Prophecies Begin #1 (Graphic Novel)

Most Popular Erin Hunter Books

    chapter • 272 Pages
    Warriors Graphic Novel: The Prophecies Begin #1 (Graphic Novel)
    Graphic Nov.
    Erin Hunter, Natalie Riess, Sara Goetter
    chapter • 288 Pages
    Warriors: The Elders' Quest
    #1 in Series
    Erin Hunter
    chapter • 240 Pages
    A Shadow in RiverClan
    Graphic Nov.
    Erin Hunter, James L. Barry
    chapter • 352 Pages
    #6 in Series
    Erin Hunter
    chapter • 272 Pages
    Into the Wild
    Erin Hunter, Dave Stevenson
    chapter • 208 Pages
    A Thief in ThunderClan
    #4 in Series
    Graphic Nov.
    Erin Hunter

Book Stats


All Erin Hunter Books

2025WarriorsErin Hunter256
2025Warriors Graphic Novel: The Prophecies Begin #2 (Graphic Novel)Erin HunterNatalie RiessSara Goetter272
2025Fire and AshErin Hunter240
2025Warriors: The Elders' QuestErin Hunter288
2024StarErin Hunter352
2024Realm of Lost SpiritsErin Hunter272
2024Ivypool's HeartErin Hunter400
2024Warriors Graphic Novel: The Prophecies Begin #1 (Graphic Novel)Erin HunterNatalie RiessSara Goetter272
2024The Lightning PathErin Hunter256
2024WindErin Hunter304
2024Breakers of the CodeErin Hunter208
2023ThunderErin Hunter368
2023The Dark SunErin Hunter256
2023Riverstar's HomeErin Hunter528
2023A Thief in ThunderClanErin Hunter208
2023The Shattered HornErin Hunter288
2023ShadowErin Hunter320
2023Journey to the Dragon MountainErin Hunter288
2022A Light in the MistErin Hunter337
2022SkyErin Hunter336
2022Blood on the PlainsErin Hunter256
2022Onestar's ConfessionErin Hunter496
2022Leopardstar's HonorErin Hunter592
2022River of SecretsErin Hunter256
2022Creatures of the FloodErin Hunter272
2022Exile from ShadowClanErin Hunter224
2022SkyClan's DestinyErin HunterWayne McLoughlin462
2022Yellowfang's SecretErin HunterJames L. Barry501
2022The Place of No StarsErin Hunter284
2022RiverErin Hunter250
2022The Venom SpreadsErin Hunter288
2021Darkness WithinErin Hunter368
2021Graystripe's VowErin Hunter434
2021Winds of ChangeErin HunterJames L. Barry224
2021Shadows on the MountainErin Hunter288
2021Warriors: The Broken Code #3: Veil of ShadowsErin Hunter336
2021Warriors: A Warrior's ChoiceErin Hunter338
2020The Silent ThawErin Hunter368
2020OathkeeperErin Hunter256
2020Squirrelflight's HopeErin Hunter480
2020Bravelands #5: The Spirit-EatersErin Hunter336
2020A Shadow in RiverClanErin HunterJames L. Barry240
2020Bramblestar's StormErin HunterJames L. Barry473
2020Lost StarsErin Hunter320
2020Warriors: A Warrior's SpiritErin Hunter292
2020Shifting ShadowsErin Hunter352
2019The Raging StormErin Hunter322
2019Survivors: The Gathering Darkness #6: The Final BattleErin HunterLaszlo KubinyiJulia Green352
2019Bluestar's ProphecyErin HunterWayne McLoughlin560
2019Firestar's QuestErin Hunter544
2019Warriors: SkyClan and the StrangerErin HunterJames L. Barry272
2019Bravelands #3: Blood and BoneErin Hunter320
2019River of FireErin Hunter281
2019The Exile's JourneyErin HunterLaszlo KubinyiJulia Green320
2018Darkest NightErin Hunter352
2018Code of HonorErin Hunter400
2018Crowfeather's TrialErin Hunter418
2018Tigerheart's ShadowErin HunterJames L. Barry464
2018Red Moon RisingErin HunterLaszlo KubinyiJulia Green320
2018Warriors: Ravenpaw's PathErin HunterJames L. Barry272
2018Shattered SkyErin Hunter336
2018Broken PrideErin HunterOwen Richardson352
2017Thunder and ShadowErin Hunter376
2017Into the ShadowsErin HunterLaszlo KubinyiJulia Green336
2017Hawkwing's JourneyErin HunterJames L. Barry425
2017Warriors: Graystripe's Adventure (Graphic Novel)Erin HunterJames L. Barry272
2017Warriors: The Apprentice's QuestErin Hunter296
2017Dead of NightErin HunterLaszlo KubinyiJulia Green320
2017The Longest DayErin Hunter352
2016Moth Flight's VisionErin HunterJames L. BarryOwen Richardson479
2016Path of StarsErin HunterWayne McLoughlinAllen Douglas352
2016A Pack DividedErin HunterLaszlo KubinyiJulia Green320
2016Thunder RisingErin HunterAllen DouglasWayne McLoughlin368
2016A Forest DividedErin HunterAllen DouglasWayne McLoughlin400
2016The Sun TrailErin HunterWayne McLoughlinAllen Douglas368
2016The Blazing StarErin HunterAllen DouglasWayne McLoughlin336
2016The First BattleErin HunterWayne McLoughlinAllen Douglas352
2016Warriors: Shadows of the ClansErin Hunter286
2016The Burning HorizonErin Hunter320
2015Night WhispersErin HunterAllen DouglasOwen Richardson368
2015The Forgotten WarriorErin HunterAllen DouglasOwen Richardson384
2015Sign of the MoonErin HunterAllen DouglasOwen Richardson368
2015Fading EchoesErin HunterOwen RichardsonAllen Douglas296
2015The Last HopeErin HunterAllen DouglasOwen Richardson400
2015The Fourth ApprenticeErin HunterOwen RichardsonAllen Douglas384
2015Storm of DogsErin Hunter304
2015OutcastErin Hunter320
2015Dark RiverErin Hunter322
2015SunriseErin Hunter318
2015The SightErin Hunter363
2015EclipseErin Hunter318
2015Warriors: Long ShadowsErin Hunter316
2015The Endless LakeErin Hunter336
2015SunsetErin HunterDave Stevenson352
2015DawnErin HunterDave Stevenson336
2015TwilightErin HunterDave Stevenson368
2015StarlightErin HunterDave Stevenson368
2015MoonriseErin HunterDave Stevenson336
2015MidnightErin HunterDave Stevenson352
2015Forest of SecretsErin HunterDave Stevenson312
2015Fire and IceErin HunterDave Stevenson317
2015The Darkest HourErin HunterDave Stevenson316
2015A Dangerous PathErin HunterDave Stevenson315
2015Rising StormErin HunterDave Stevenson317
2015Into the WildErin HunterDave Stevenson272
2015The Broken PathErin Hunter336
2015Forest of WolvesErin Hunter304
2014Warriors: Tales from the ClansErin HunterWayne McLoughlin291
2014Tallstar's RevengeErin HunterJames L. Barry503
2014Darkness FallsErin Hunter320
2014A Hidden EnemyErin Hunter304
2014River of Lost BearsErin Hunter336
2013Warriors: The Ultimate GuideErin HunterWayne McLoughlin222
2013Warriors: The Untold StoriesErin HunterWayne McLoughlin285
2013The Melting SeaErin Hunter304
2013The Empty CityErin Hunter304
2013Island of ShadowsErin Hunter320
2012Warriors: Enter the ClansErin Hunter334
2012Crookedstar's PromiseErin Hunter491
2012After the FloodErin HunterJohn HuntJames L. Barry88
2012Spirits in the StarsErin Hunter304
2011Beyond the CodeErin HunterJames L. Barry89
2011The RescueErin HunterJames L. Barry88
2011Fire in the SkyErin Hunter288
2011The Last WildernessErin Hunter288
2010The Heart of a WarriorErin Hunter, Dan JolleyJames L. Barry90
2010Warriors: Battles of the ClansErin Hunter208
2010Smoke MountainErin Hunter288
2010A Clan in Need (Graphic Novel)Erin Hunter, Dan JolleyJames L. Barry92
2010Great Bear LakeErin Hunter320
2009Shattered Peace (Graphic Novel)Erin Hunter, Dan JolleyJames L. Barry90
2009Warriors: Code of the ClansErin HunterWayne McLoughlin156
2009Return to the ClansErin Hunter, Dan JolleyDon Hudson89
2009The Quest BeginsErin Hunter293
2008Warriors: Tigerstar & Sasha (Graphic Novel)Erin Hunter, Dan JolleyDon Hudson88
2008Into the Woods (Graphic Novel)Erin Hunter, Dan JolleyDon Hudson85
2008Warriors: Cats of the ClansErin HunterWayne McLoughlin90
2008Warriors: The Rise of Scourge (Graphic Novel)Erin Hunter, Dan JolleyBettina Kurkoski85
2008Warriors: Warrior's ReturnErin Hunter, Dan JolleyJames Barry92
2007Warriors: Warrior's Refuge (Graphic Novel)Erin Hunter, Dan JolleyJames Barry92
2007Warriors: Secrets of the ClansErin Hunter168
2007The Lost Warrior (Graphic Novel)Erin Hunter, Dan JolleyJames L. Barry96


Natalie Riess
Sara Goetter
James L. Barry
Dave Stevenson
Wayne McLoughlin
Don Hudson
Dan Jolley
Owen Richardson
Allen Douglas
John Hunt
Bettina Kurkoski
Laszlo Kubinyi
Julia Green
James Barry


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