
Laura Ingalls Wilder


Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867–1957) was born in a log cabin in the Wisconsin woods. With her family, she pioneered throughout America’s heartland during the 1870s and 1880s, finally settling in Dakota Territory. She married Almanzo Wilder in 1885; their only daughter, Rose, was born the following year. The Wilders moved to Rocky Ridge Farm at Mansfield, Missouri, in 1894, where they established a permanent home. After years of farming, Laura wrote the first of her beloved Little House books in 1932. The nine Little House books are international classics. Her writings live on into the twenty-first century as America’s quintessential pioneer story.

The Little House Book of Wisdom
The First Four Years
Little House in the Big Woods
Writings to Young Women from Laura Ingalls Wilder
A Little House Christmas Treasury
A Little House Reader
Santa Comes to Little House
Laura & Mr. Edwards
Laura's Pa

Most Popular Laura Ingalls Wilder Books

    chapter • 238 Pages
    Little House in the Big Woods
    #1 in Series
    Garth Williams, Laura Ingalls Wilder
    chapter • 352 Pages
    Little House on the Prairie
    #3 in Series
    Laura Ingalls Wilder, Garth Williams
    chapter • 384 Pages
    Farmer Boy
    #2 in Series
    Laura Ingalls Wilder, Garth Williams
    chapter • 339 Pages
    On the Banks of Plum Creek
    #4 in Series
    Laura Ingalls Wilder, Garth Williams
    picture • 40 Pages
    A Little Prairie House
    Laura Ingalls Wilder, Renee Graef
    picture • 32 Pages
    Sugar Snow
    Laura Ingalls Wilder, Doris Ettlinger

Book Stats


All Laura Ingalls Wilder Books

2017The Little House Book of WisdomLaura Ingalls WilderJenna Stempel64
2008The First Four YearsLaura Ingalls WilderGarth Williams134
2008Little House in the Big WoodsLaura Ingalls WilderGarth Williams238
2006Writings to Young Women from Laura Ingalls WilderLaura Ingalls Wilder, Stephen W. Hines116
2005A Little House Christmas TreasuryLaura Ingalls WilderGarth Williams139
2005A Little House ReaderLaura Ingalls WilderDan Andreasen196
2001Santa Comes to Little HouseLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef32
1999Laura & Mr. EdwardsLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef80
1999Laura's PaLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef80
1998Laura's ChristmasLaura Ingalls WilderDoris Ettlinger16
1998Sugar SnowLaura Ingalls WilderDoris Ettlinger32
1998A Farmer Boy BirthdayLaura Ingalls WilderJody Wheeler40
1998Little House FriendsLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef80
1998County FairLaura Ingalls WilderJody Wheeler32
1998Little House Farm DaysLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef80
1998Hard Times on the PrairieLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef80
1998A Little Prairie HouseLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef40
1998School DaysLaura Ingalls WilderJi-Hyuk Kim112
1998Christmas StoriesLaura Ingalls WilderJi-Hyuk Kim112
1998Laura & NellieLaura Ingalls WilderJi-Hyuk Kim112
1997A Little House BirthdayLaura Ingalls WilderDoris Ettlinger40
1997Little House SistersLaura Ingalls WilderGarth Williams96
1997Prairie DayLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef32
1997My Little House Birthday BookLaura Ingalls Wilder, Deborah Maze40
1997Pioneer SistersLaura Ingalls WilderJi-Hyuk Kim112
1997Animal AdventuresLaura Ingalls Wilder112
1996Bedtime for LauraLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef10
1996Winter on the FarmLaura Ingalls WilderJody Wheeler32
1996Going WestLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef32
1996Hello, Laura!Laura Ingalls Wilder, Renee GraefSusan McAlileyRenee Graef10
1996My Little House CookbookLaura Ingalls Wilder, Amy Cotler, Holly JonesHolly Jones32
1996Summertime in the Big WoodsLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef40
1995Christmas in the Big WoodsLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef32
1995The Deer in the WoodLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef32
1995My Little House SongbookLaura Ingalls WilderHolly Jones32
1995Going to TownLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef32
1995A Little House SamplerLaura Ingalls Wilder, Rose Wilder Lane243
1994Dance at Grandpa'sLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef40
1994Winter Days in the Big WoodsLaura Ingalls WilderRenee Graef32
1976West From HomeLaura Ingalls Wilder124
1976On the Way HomeLaura Ingalls Wilder101
1943These Happy Golden YearsLaura Ingalls WilderGarth Williams304
1941Little Town on the PrairieLaura Ingalls WilderGarth Williams307
1940The Long WinterLaura Ingalls WilderGarth Williams334
1939By the Shores of Silver LakeLaura Ingalls WilderGarth Williams290
1937On the Banks of Plum CreekLaura Ingalls WilderGarth Williams339
1935Little House on the PrairieLaura Ingalls WilderGarth Williams352
1933Farmer BoyLaura Ingalls WilderGarth Williams384
1932The Adventures of Laura & JackLaura Ingalls WilderJi-Hyuk Kim112


Garth Williams
Renee Graef
Doris Ettlinger
Jody Wheeler
Ji-Hyuk Kim
Rose Wilder Lane
Jenna Stempel
Stephen W. Hines
Holly Jones
Dan Andreasen
Susan McAliley
Deborah Maze
Amy Cotler


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