
Nancy Krulik


Nancy Krulik is the author of more than 200 books for children and young adults, including three New York Times bestsellers. She is best known, however, for being the author and creator of the Katie Kazoo Switcheroo, George Brown Class Clown, How I Survived Middle School and Magic Bone book series. Nancy lives in Manhattan with her husband, composer Daniel Burwasser. When she’s not writing, Nancy can be found reading, going to concerts, traveling or running around Central Park with her crazy beagle mix, Josie.

Sing High, Sing Crow
Hide and Go Beak
Get a Hold of Your Elf!
Fangs for Having Us!
I Want My Mummy!
Long Time, No Sea Monster
Yo-Ho, Yo . . . NO! #8
Gotta Warn the Unicorns!

Most Popular Nancy Krulik Books

    chapter • 320 Pages
    A Collection of Katie
    Nancy Krulik, John & Wendy
    chapter • 144 Pages
    Grilled Cheese and Dragons
    Nancy Krulik, Ben Balistreri
    picture • 128 Pages
    Don't Mess with the Ninja Puppy!
    Nancy Krulik, Sebastien Braun
    chapter • 128 Pages
    Dribble, Dribble, Drool!
    Nancy Krulik, Aaron Blecha
    chapter • 144 Pages
    Get a Hold of Your Elf!
    Nancy Krulik, Harry Briggs
    picture • 128 Pages
    Follow That Furball
    Nancy Krulik, Sebastien Braun

Book Stats


All Nancy Krulik Books

2024Sing High, Sing CrowNancy KrulikCharlie Alder112
2022Hide and Go BeakNancy KrulikCharlie Alder96
2021Get a Hold of Your Elf!Nancy KrulikHarry Briggs144
2021Fangs for Having Us!Nancy KrulikHarry Briggs144
2021I Want My Mummy!Nancy KrulikHarry Briggs144
2021Long Time, No Sea MonsterNancy KrulikHarry Briggs144
2020Yo-Ho, Yo . . . NO! #8Nancy KrulikIan McGinty144
2019Gotta Warn the Unicorns!Nancy KrulikIan McGinty144
2019The Dragon's TaleNancy KrulikJustin Rodrigues144
2019Watch That Witch! #5Nancy KrulikJustin Rodrigues144
2018Someone's Got a Screw LooseAmanda Burwasser, Nancy KrulikMike Moran112
2018Quit Buggin' Me! #4Nancy KrulikBen Balistreri144
2018Bad Moooove!Nancy KrulikBen Balistreri144
2018Give a Bot a BoneAmanda Burwasser, Nancy KrulikMike Moran112
2018Grilled Cheese and DragonsNancy KrulikBen Balistreri144
2018Worse, Worser, WurstNancy KrulikBen Balistreri144
2017Phone-y FriendsAmanda Burwasser, Nancy KrulikMike Moran104
2017Don't Sneeze!Nancy KrulikLouis Thomas96
2017The Kid from Planet ZNancy KrulikLouis Thomas96
2017My Robot Ate My HomeworkNancy Krulik, Amanda BurwasserMike Moran104
2017Return to the Scene of the BurpNancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2016Two Tales, One DogNancy KrulikSebastien Braun192
2016Dribble, Dribble, Drool!Nancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2016Soccer Shocker!Nancy Krulik, Amanda BurwasserMike Moran104
2016Science No Fair!Nancy Krulik, Amanda BurwasserMike Moran112
2016Never Box with a KangarooNancy KrulikSebastien Braun128
2016It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Toiletman!Nancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2016Broadway DoggieNancy KrulikSebastien Braun128
2015Pup ArtNancy KrulikSebastien Braun128
2015Revenge of the Killer WormsNancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2015Rootin' Tootin' Cow DogNancy KrulikSebastien Braun128
2015A Royal Pain in the BurpNancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2015Dogs Don't Have Webbed FeetNancy KrulikSebastien Braun128
2015'Snot Funny!Nancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2014How Do You Pee in Space?Nancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2014Don't Mess with the Ninja Puppy!Nancy KrulikSebastien Braun128
2014Burp or Treat... Smell My Feet!Nancy KrulikAaron Blecha208
2014Go Fetch!Nancy KrulikSebastien Braun128
2014Lice CheckNancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2014Nice Snowing You!Nancy KrulikSebastien Braun128
2013Follow That FurballNancy KrulikSebastien Braun128
2013Eww! What's on My Shoe?Nancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2013Three Burps and You're Out!Nancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2013Be Careful What You Sniff ForNancy KrulikSebastien Braun128
2013Dance Your Pants Off!Nancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2012The Twelve Burps of ChristmasNancy KrulikAaron Blecha192
2012Hey! Who Stole the Toilet?Nancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2012A Collection of KatieNancy KrulikJohn & Wendy320
2012Going Overboard!Nancy KrulikJohn & Wendy144
2012Attack of the Tighty Whities!Nancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2011Help! I'm Stuck in a Giant Nostril!Nancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2011Wet and Wild!Nancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2011What's Black and White and Stinks All Over?Nancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2011Three Cheers for... Who?Nancy KrulikJohn & Wendy80
2010World's Worst WedgieNancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2010Don't Be Such a Turkey!Nancy KrulikJohn & Wendy160
2010Trouble MagnetNancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2010Super Burp!Nancy KrulikAaron Blecha128
2010Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!Nancy KrulikJohn & Wendy80
2010Fooled You!Nancy E. Krulik, Nancy KrulikBernice Lum64
2010Red, White, and--Achoo!Nancy KrulikJohn & Wendy80
2009The 100th DayNancy E. Krulik, Nancy KrulikBernice Lum64
2009Holly's Jolly ChristmasNancy KrulikJohn & Wendy160
2009Going BattyNancy KrulikJohn & Wendy80
2009Fire Alarm!Nancy Krulik, Nancy E. KrulikBernice Lum64
2009First DayNancy E. Krulik, Nancy KrulikBernice Lum64
2009Tip-Top Tappin' Mom!Nancy KrulikJohn & Wendy80
2009Horsing AroundNancy KrulikJohn & Wendy80
2008Free the Worms!Nancy KrulikJohn & Wendy80
2008Flower PowerNancy KrulikJohn & Wendy80
1999Tommy's Last StandThompson Bros., Nancy Krulik64
1996Butterfly and the Bog BeastNancy KrulikThe Thompson Brothers32


John & Wendy
Ben Balistreri
Sebastien Braun
Aaron Blecha
Harry Briggs
Ian McGinty
Justin Rodrigues
Mike Moran
Amanda Burwasser
Charlie Alder
Nancy E. Krulik
Bernice Lum
The Thompson Brothers
Louis Thomas
Thompson Bros.


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