Author & Illustrator

Priscilla Burris


Priscilla Burris has illustrated numerous books for children, parents, and teachers. She enjoys cake painting and creating art for products that include murals, greeting cards, and rubber stamps. Priscilla lives with her family in Southern California.

Lucy Lancaster in the Spotlight
Henry Heckelbeck and the Not-So-Dark Day
Lucy Lancaster Is Totally in Control
Henry Heckelbeck Takes a Swing
Lucy Lancaster Has a Secret
Henry Heckelbeck Camping Expert
Henry Heckelbeck Does Not Need a Sitter
Henry Heckelbeck Makes Super Slime

Most Popular Priscilla Burris Books

    picture • 128 Pages
    Henry Heckelbeck Chills Out
    Wanda Coven, Priscilla Burris
    picture • 96 Pages
    Humphrey's Really Wheely Racing Day
    Betty G. Birney, Priscilla Burris
    chapter • 128 Pages
    Wanda Coven, Priscilla Burris
    chapter • 128 Pages
    Henry Heckelbeck Does Not Need a Sitter
    Wanda Coven, Priscilla Burris
    picture • 128 Pages
    Henry Heckelbeck and the Great Frog Escape
    Wanda Coven, Priscilla Burris
    picture • 96 Pages
    Humphrey's Playful Puppy Problem
    Priscilla Burris, Betty G. Birney

Book Stats


All Priscilla Burris Books

2025Lucy Lancaster in the SpotlightWillow Coven128
2025Henry Heckelbeck and the Not-So-Dark DayWanda Coven128
2025Lucy Lancaster Is Totally in ControlWillow Coven128
2025Henry Heckelbeck Takes a SwingWanda Coven128
2025Lucy Lancaster Has a SecretWillow Coven128
2024Henry Heckelbeck Camping ExpertWanda Coven128
2024Henry Heckelbeck Does Not Need a SitterWanda Coven128
2023Henry Heckelbeck Makes Super SlimeWanda Coven128
2023Sabrina Sue Loves the MoonPriscilla Burris32
2023Heidi Heckelbeck The Secret's Out!Wanda Coven128
2023Henry Heckelbeck Breaks a LegWanda Coven128
2023Sabrina Sue Loves the SkyPriscilla Burris32
2023Heidi Heckelbeck Sunshine MagicWanda Coven128
2022Henry Heckelbeck and the Great Frog EscapeWanda Coven128
2022Henry Heckelbeck Chills OutWanda Coven128
2022Henry Heckelbeck Is Out of This WorldWanda Coven128
2022Henry Heckelbeck Builds a RobotWanda Coven128
2021Heidi Heckelbeck and the Wild RideWanda Coven128
2021Sabrina Sue Loves the CityPriscilla Burris32
2021Henry Heckelbeck Spy vs. SpyWanda Coven128
2021Sabrina Sue Loves the SnowPriscilla Burris32
2021Heidi Heckelbeck and the Snow Day SurpriseWanda Coven128
2021Henry Heckelbeck Dinosaur HunterWanda Coven128
2021Dad SchoolRebecca Van Slyke32
2021Sabrina Sue Loves the SeaPriscilla Burris32
2021Hello Preschool!Priscilla Burris34
2021Heidi Heckelbeck and the Lost Library BookWanda Coven128
2021Henry Heckelbeck and the Race Car DerbyWanda Coven128
2020Heidi Heckelbeck and the Hair Emergency!Wanda Coven128
2020Henry Heckelbeck Spells TroubleWanda Coven128
2020Heidi Heckelbeck for Class PresidentWanda Coven128
2020Henry Heckelbeck and the Haunted HideoutWanda Coven128
2020Heidi Heckelbeck Pool Party!Wanda Coven128
2020Heidi Heckelbeck Takes the CakeWanda Coven128
2019Henry Heckelbeck Never CheatsWanda Coven128
2019Henry Heckelbeck Gets a DragonWanda Coven128
2019Heidi Heckelbeck and the Wacky Tacky Spirit WeekWanda Coven128
2019It's Good to Have a GrandpaMaryann Macdonald32
2019It's Good to Have a GrandmaMaryann Macdonald32
2019Heidi Heckelbeck Lends a Helping HandWanda Coven128
2019Fear the BunnyRichard T. Morris36
2018Lights! Camera! Awesome!Wanda Coven128
2018Humphrey's Big Birthday BashBetty G. Birney96
2018Heidi Heckelbeck Is So Totally Grounded!Wanda Coven128
2018Hello School!Priscilla Burris32
2018Heidi Heckelbeck and the Snoopy SpyWanda Coven128
2018Natsumi!Susan Lendroth32
2018Humphrey's Pet Show PanicBetty G. Birney96
2018Heidi Heckelbeck Has a New Best FriendWanda Coven128
2017Heidi Heckelbeck and the Never-Ending DayWanda Coven128
2017Grandma's Tiny HouseJanay Brown-Wood32
2017Humphrey's Treasure Hunt TroubleBetty G. Birney96
2017Heidi Heckelbeck and the Magic PuppyWanda Coven128
2017Heidi Heckelbeck Tries Out for the TeamWanda Coven128
2016Heidi Heckelbeck and the Big Mix-UpWanda Coven128
2016Humphrey's Mixed-Up Magic TrickBetty G. Birney96
2016Maggi and Milo Make New FriendsJuli Brenning32
2016Heidi Heckelbeck Makes a WishWanda Coven160
2016Humphrey's School Fair SurpriseBetty G. Birney112
2015Heidi Heckelbeck Is the Bestest Babysitter!Wanda Coven128
2015Heidi Heckelbeck Might Be Afraid of the DarkWanda Coven128
2015Heidi Heckelbeck Says "Cheese!"Wanda Coven128
2015Humphrey's Creepy-Crawly Camping AdventureBetty G. Birney96
2015Heidi Heckelbeck Is Not a Thief!Wanda Coven128
2014Heidi Heckelbeck Gets the SnifflesWanda Coven128
2014Humphrey's Playful Puppy ProblemBetty G. Birney96
2014Humphrey's Really Wheely Racing DayBetty G. Birney96
2014Heidi Heckelbeck Is a Flower GirlWanda Coven128
2014Heidi Heckelbeck and the Tie-Dyed BunnyWanda Coven128
2014Edgar's Second WordAudrey Vernick32
2014Maggi and MiloJuli Brenning32
2013Heidi Heckelbeck and the Christmas SurpriseWanda Coven128
2013Heidi Heckelbeck Goes to Camp!Wanda Coven128
2013Heidi Heckelbeck Is Ready to Dance!Wanda Coven128
2012Heidi Heckelbeck and the Secret AdmirerWanda Coven128
2012Heidi Heckelbeck Gets GlassesWanda Coven128
2012Heidi Heckelbeck in DisguiseWanda Coven128
2012Heidi Heckelbeck and the Cookie ContestWanda Coven128
2012Heidi Heckelbeck Casts a SpellWanda Coven128
2012Heidi Heckelbeck Has a SecretWanda Coven128
2004I Love You All Day LongFrancesca Rusackas32


Wanda Coven
Betty G. Birney
Francesca Rusackas
Susan Lendroth
Janay Brown-Wood
Richard T. Morris
Rebecca Van Slyke
Juli Brenning
Maryann Macdonald
Audrey Vernick
Willow Coven


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