Author & Illustrator

Sydney Hanson


Sydney Hanson is a children’s book illustrator and Pixar animator. She lives in Sierra Madre, California.

Escargot and the Search for Spring
Elephant Goes Potty
Love, Escargot
The Donkey's Song
Snow's Slide
Rosie's Rhythm
Mist's Maze
Aqua's Splash
Puppy Love
Close Your Eyes
Master of Naptime

Most Popular Sydney Hanson Books

    picture • 24 Pages
    I Love You Like No Otter
    Rose Rossner, Sydney Hanson
    picture • 32 Pages
    Why a Daughter Needs a Dad
    Sydney Hanson, Gregory E. Lang, Susanna Leonard Hill
    picture • 32 Pages
    Why a Daughter Needs a Mom
    Gregory E. Lang, Susanna Leonard Hill, Sydney Hanson
    board • 20 Pages
    Daddy and Me
    Cottage Door Press, Tiya Hall, Sydney Hanson
    picture • 40 Pages
    Dashka Slater, Sydney Hanson
    picture • 40 Pages
    Escargot and the Search for Spring
    Dashka Slater, Sydney Hanson

Book Stats


All Sydney Hanson Books

2024Escargot and the Search for SpringDashka Slater40
2023Elephant Goes PottyJames Patterson32
2022Love, EscargotDashka Slater40
2022The Donkey's SongJacki Kellum32
2022Snow's SlideEmily Bliss128
2022Rosie's RhythmEmily Bliss128
2021Mist's MazeEmily Bliss128
2021Aqua's SplashEmily Bliss128
2021Puppy LoveBrick Puffinton, Cottage Door Press12
2021Close Your EyesLori Haskins Houran32
2020Master of NaptimeTina Gallo20
2020The MoonbeamsEmily Bliss128
2020Unicorn Princesses 10: The Wing SpellEmily Bliss128
2020A Book for EscargotDashka Slater40
2020Cuddle Up, Cows!Thomas Nelson20
2020Five Fuzzy ChicksDiana Murray32
2020I Love You Like No OtterRose Rossner24
2019How Do You Go to Sleep?32
2019Why a Daughter Needs a DadGregory E. Lang, Susanna Leonard Hill32
2019Why a Daughter Needs a MomGregory E. Lang, Susanna Leonard Hill32
2019Put on Your PJs, Piggies!Laura Neutzling20
2018How Do You Take a Bath?32
2018Construction CatBarbara Odanaka40
2018Mommy and MeTiya Hall, Cottage Door Press, Sydney Hanson20
2018Daddy and MeCottage Door Press, Tiya Hall, Sydney Hanson20
2018Firefly's GlowEmily Bliss128
2018Feather's FlightEmily Bliss128
2018Moon's DanceEmily Bliss128
2018Breeze's BlastEmily Bliss128
2018Psst! I Love YouMarjorie Blain Parker22
2017Bloom's BallEmily Bliss128
2017Prism's PaintEmily Bliss128
2017His Royal WhiskersSam Gayton320
2017Warts and AllLori Haskins Houran32
2017Sunbeam's ShineEmily Bliss128
2017Flash's DashEmily Bliss128
2017EscargotDashka Slater40
2017New Little PuppyRobin Rose, Cottage Door Press5
2016Grandpa's Wish ListMadison Lodi, Cottage Door Press9
2016Next to YouLori Haskins Houran32


Rose Rossner
Gregory E. Lang
Susanna Leonard Hill
Cottage Door Press
Tiya Hall
Dashka Slater
Madison Lodi
Emily Bliss
Robin Rose
James Patterson
Barbara Odanaka
Diana Murray
Jacki Kellum
Lori Haskins Houran
Marjorie Blain Parker
Sam Gayton
Thomas Nelson
Laura Neutzling
Brick Puffinton
Tina Gallo


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