Top 10 Teamwork Junior Reader Books

    Flight of the Moon Dragon
    #6 in Series
    Flight of the Moon Dragon
    Written by Tracey West & illustrated by Damien Jones
    Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea!
    #1 in Series
    Graphic Nov.
    Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea!
    Written by Ben Clanton
    Appleblossom the Possum
    Appleblossom the Possum
    Written by Holly Goldberg Sloan & illustrated by Gary Rosen and Gary A. Rosen
    The Lost Stone
    The Lost Stone
    Written by Jordan Quinn & illustrated by Robert McPhillips
    Knights vs. Dinosaurs
    Written and illustrated by Matt Phelan
    Cornbread & Poppy
    Written by Matthew Cordell
    Meet the House Kittens
    #1 in Series
    Graphic Nov.
    Meet the House Kittens
    Spy Penguins
    Written by Sam Hay & illustrated by Marek Jagucki
    The Magic Looking Glass
    Written by Tom Percival
    Choosing Sides
    Written by Alex Morgan

As author and activist Helen Keller once stated, "Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much." While the idea of working together to achieve something greater sounds appealing, we all know that too often, developing and maintaining a spirit of collaboration and teamwork can be difficult things to do, for kids and adults. Just look at how many sports teams, companies and organizations, and political groups struggle to maintain cohesion and unity. As in so many other areas, children's books offer a helpful tool to assist children in getting started on the right foot when it comes to teamwork. Working together is not instinctive for kids. At an early age, children prefer to play alongside one another, but not necessarily with one another. These natural tendencies can be guided by reading aloud books that show children sharing or combining resources to accomplish a common goal. As children mature, children's books can also be used to teach and discuss leadership skills and what helps members of a team feel involved and included. The books on the list showcase different elements of teamwork, from being a leader, to working together on a project, to being a good team player. Our list includes board books, picture books, and chapter books, making it a useful resource for finding good books for babies through kindergarten, elementary and early middle school age kids. You can filter our list by book type, whether board, picture, or chapter. You can browse the complete list, or you can jump to specific topics of interest, like teamwork and problem solving, or teamwork and friendship. As you see what books we've included, let us know what books you would add to the list.




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