
Tracey West


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Haunting of the Ghost Dragon
The Epic Guide to Dragon Masters
Cave of the Crystal Dragon
Legend of the Star Dragon
Dawn of the Light Dragon
Curse of the Shadow Dragon
Guarding the Invisible Dragons
Unhappy Campers

Most Popular Tracey West Books

    chapter • 96 Pages
    Haunting of the Ghost Dragon
    Tracey West, Graham Howells
    chapter • 96 Pages
    Rise of the Earth Dragon
    Tracey West, Graham Howells
    chapter • 96 Pages
    Flight of the Moon Dragon
    #6 in Series
    Tracey West, Damien Jones
    chapter • 96 Pages
    Cave of the Crystal Dragon
    Tracey West, Graham Howells
    chapter • 96 Pages
    Legend of the Star Dragon
    Tracey West, Graham Howells
    chapter • 96 Pages
    Dawn of the Light Dragon
    Tracey West, Matt Loveridge

Book Stats


All Tracey West Books

2024Haunting of the Ghost DragonTracey WestGraham Howells96
2024The Epic Guide to Dragon MastersTracey WestMatt Loveridge256
2024Cave of the Crystal DragonTracey WestGraham Howells96
2023Legend of the Star DragonTracey WestGraham Howells96
2023Dawn of the Light DragonTracey WestMatt Loveridge96
2023Curse of the Shadow DragonTracey WestGraham Howells96
2022Guarding the Invisible DragonsTracey WestMatt Loveridge96
2022Unhappy CampersTracey WestKyla May160
2022Bloom of the Flower DragonTracey WestGraham Howells96
2022The Angry ElfTracey WestXavier Bonet96
2022The UnderdogsTracey WestKyla May176
2021Howl of the Wind DragonTracey WestGraham Howells96
2021Ash Ketchum, Pokémon Detective / I Choose You!Tracey West192
2021The UnderdogsTracey WestKyla May160
2021Zeus and the Skeleton ArmyTracey WestCraig Phillips112
2021The Curse of the Cat-Eye JewelTracey West144
2021Spinjitzu BrothersTracey West144
2021The Halloween GoblinTracey WestXavier Bonet96
2021Wave of the Sea DragonTracey WestMatt Loveridge96
2021The Pet Store SpriteTracey WestXavier Bonet96
2021Heat of the Lava DragonTracey WestGraham Howells96
2021The Greedy GremlinTracey WestXavier Bonet96
2020Sprite's SecretTracey WestXavier Bonet96
2020Fortress of the Stone DragonTracey WestMatt Loveridge96
2020Alkyoneus and the Warrior QueenTracey WestCraig Phillips112
2020Call of the Sound DragonTracey WestMatt Loveridge96
2020Callum's Spellbook (Graphic Novel)Tracey West160
2020Future of the Time DragonTracey WestDaniel Griffo96
2019Hercules and the Nine-Headed HydraTracey West, Joan HolubCraig Phillips112
2019Griffith's Guide for Dragon MastersTracey WestMatt Loveridge144
2019Land of the Spring DragonTracey WestMatt Loveridge96
2019Origin of a HeroTracey WestAmanda Schank128
2019Eye of the Earthquake DragonTracey WestDaniel Griffo96
2018Treasure of the Gold DragonTracey WestSara Foresti96
2018Shine of the Silver DragonTracey WestNina de Polonia96
2018Zeus and the Dreadful DragonTracey WestCraig Phillips128
2018Ash to the RescueTracey West96
2018Waking the Rainbow DragonTracey WestDamien Jones96
2018Prepare for TroubleTracey West96
2018The Chikorita ChallengeTracey West96
2018Go West, Young AshTracey West96
2018Chill of the Ice DragonTracey WestNina de Polonia96
2017Dionysus and the Land of BeastsTracey West, Joan HolubCraig Phillips112
2017Roar of the Thunder DragonTracey WestDamien Jones96
2017Lloyd: A Hero's JourneyTracey West32
2017Talent ShowdownTracey West96
2017Race to DangerTracey West96
2017Hermes and the Horse with WingsTracey WestCraig Phillips112
2017Search for the Lightning DragonTracey WestDamien Jones96
2016Flight of the Moon DragonTracey WestDamien Jones96
2016Graduation DayTracey West80
2016Song of the Poison DragonTracey WestDamien Jones90
2015Power of the Fire DragonTracey WestGraham Howells96
2015Secret of the Water DragonTracey WestDamien Jones96
2014Saving the Sun DragonTracey WestDamien Jones96
2014Rise of the Earth DragonTracey WestGraham Howells96
2012Rise of the SnakesTracey West32
2012Masters of SpinjitzuTracey West32
2009Grievous Attacks!Tracey West, Veronica Wasserman, Rob Valois160
2007Deoxys in DangerTracey West48
2007Grovyle TroubleTracey West48
2007Team Rocket TruceTracey West48
1999I Choose You!Tracey West87
1998The Magic School Bus Gets Cold FeetTracey WestArt Ruiz32


Graham Howells
Damien Jones
Matt Loveridge
Daniel Griffo
Nina de Polonia
Sara Foresti
Kyla May
Xavier Bonet
Joan Holub
Craig Phillips
Amanda Schank
Art Ruiz
Veronica Wasserman
Rob Valois


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