
Alonzo Hickman Quotes

Seven of the best book quotes from Alonzo Hickman
“Nothing ever stops; it divides and multiplies, and I guess sometimes it gets ground down superfine, but it doesn’t just blow away.”
″... on this great day of deliverance, on this day of emancipation, let’s us tell ourselves our story...”
“He’s holding on even though Death is around somewhere close by- as he always is. I’ll just have to try once more to outwait him, to outface him, even though I’ve seen enough even for an old preacher like me...”
“So let us pray, not for him but for overselves and for all those whose job it is to wear those great big shoes he left this nation to fill...”
“It’s the little things that find us out, the little things we refuse to do in order to avoid doing the big things that can save us.”
“You know that we were born of sacrifice, and that we have had to live by a different truth and that that truth is good and the vision of manhood it stands for is more human, more desirable, more real.”
“Not back to that me, not to that six-seven year old ventriloquist’s dummy dressed in a white evening suit. Not to that charlatan born-must I have no charity for me?
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