
assigned tasks Quotes

Six of the best book quotes about assigned tasks
“Hoping does not mean doing nothing. It is not fatalistic resignation. It means going about our assigned tasks, confident that God will provide the meaning and the conclusions.”
“Apollo succeeded at critical moments like this because the bosses had no hesitation about assigning crucial tasks to one individual, trusting his judgment, and then getting out of his way.”
“Perhaps the main task of the minister is to prevent people from suffering for the wrong reasons.”
“just as I was maturing in my own understanding, she, too, was moving closer and closer to that point where she was in the right place at the right time, with the right understanding to accomplish the task that had been assigned to her. In this respect there is no doubt in my mind that she had always been the right person”
“Detective McSmogg was assigned to the case. He listened to their story. He scratched his chin. ‘Hmmmm,’ he said. ‘Hmmm’ ‘I think Miss Nelson is missing.’ Detective McSmogg would not be much help.”
“On Saturdays Claudia emptied the wastebaskets, a task she despised. There were so many of them. Everyone in her family had his own bedroom and wastebasket except her mother and father who shared both—with each other.”
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