
boarding schools Quotes

11 of the best book quotes about boarding schools
oppressive government, four teenagers escape their boarding schools, there is a whole underground rebellion in the works.
Unbeknowest to them they have been put into boarding schools not just because they are orphans, but because their parents were part of a rebellion.
“Milena, Bartolomeo, Helen, and Milos have left their prison-like boarding schools far behind, but their futures remain in peril. ”
“With her idealistic view of the African savanna crushed, Patricia finally gives in to everyone’s demands and leaves with the narrator to attend a boarding school in Nairobi.”
“Mr Murray now took over. They are willing to give you a home.′ Maia took a deep breath. A home. She had spent her holidays for the past two years in the school. Everyone was friendly and king but a home... ‘Not only that,’ said Miss Emily, ‘but it turns out that the Carters have twin daughters about your age.”
“Isabel O’Sullivan and her cousin Alison sat in the small station café drinking cups of tea and eating jammy buns. Both girls were waiting for the train that would take them back to St Clare’s after the holidays.”
“I am afraid that you will be coping in somewhat difficult circumstance this term’, the head went on. ‘You will have already noticed that all the third formers are to be together in one dormitory instead of two?”
“The girls know this term is going to be full of fun, but it’s also full of upset when Pat misses the first few weeks.”
“The others looked around as another sixth former approached. Margaret was a remarkably good-looking girl, with straight dark hair cut in a dramatic bob, unusual violet-coloured eyes and high cheekbones that gave her a rather exotic appearance.”
“Mam’zelle stared perplexedly at the girl before her. Why did she speak in this strange manner? And why did she keep calling her Mam? Just then Jennifer Mills, and her friend Barbara Thompson came over, along with Margaret Winters.”
“Kitty Flaherty is joining the third form, along with her pet goat McGinty! ”
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