
teenagers Quotes

74 of the best book quotes about teenagers
“The idea of a teenage Dumbledore was simply odd, like trying to imagine a stupid Hermione or a friendly Blast-Ended Skrewt.”
“That was her mistake. She’d pinned her happiness to a teenage girl’s chest. Idiot. The realization made her almost smile. She certainly knew better than that.”
“He grew until he was a teenager. He had strange friends and he wore strange clothes and he listened to strange music.”
“A fruit salad is delicious precisely because each fruit maintains its own flavor.”
“It’s especially hard to admit that you made a mistake to your parents, because, of course, you know so much more than they do.”
“Don’t wait until people are dead to give them flowers.”
“Honesty is always the best policy, even when it’s not the trend.”
“Small changes can make huge destination differences.”
“Education must be a lifelong pursuit. The person who doesn’t read is not better off than the person who can’t.”
“Instead of playing to win, I was playing not to lose. It reminds me of the story I once heard about two friends being chased by a bear, when one turned to the other and said, ‘I just realized that I don’t need to outrun the bear; I only need to outrun you.‘”
“We become what we repeatedly do.”
“We are free to choose our paths, but we can’t choose the consequences that come with them.”
“Isn’t it kind of silly to think that tearing someone else down builds you up?”
“If you base your identity on having friends, being accepted, and being popular, you may find yourself compromising your standards or changing them every weekend to accommodate your friends.”
“If you decide to just go with the flow, you’ll end up where the flow goes, which is usually downhill, often leading to a big pile of sludge and a life of unhappiness. You’ll end up doing what everyone else is doing.”
“These problems are real, and you can’t turn off real life. So I won’t try. Instead, I’ll give you a set of tools to help you deal with real life.”
“Now think deeply. What have you done with your life over the past year? How do you feel inside?”
“All the events of your past have formed a lens, or paradigm, through which you see the world. And since no one’s past is exactly like anyone else’s, no two people see alike.”
“I like how Mother Teresa put it: ‘Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.’ If you approach life this way, always looking for ways to build instead of to tear down, you’ll be amazed at how much happiness you can give to others and find for yourself.”
“My dad told me that when I was born my cheeks were so fat the doctors didn’t know which end to spank.”
“If you could envision the type of person God intended you to be, you would rise up and never be the same again.”
“We first make our habits, then our habits make us. -ENGLISH POET.”
“So often, in our quest to be more popular and to be part of the ‘in-group,’ we lose sight of things that are far more important . . .”
Intellectually, they knew a great deal. Practically, they chose to know almost nothing.
“It took me by surprise how much I wanted to be kissed by him, to realize that I’d thought about it so often that I’d memorized the exact shape of his lips, that I’d imagined running my finger down the cleft of his chin.”
“‘But the you who you are tonight is the same you I was in love with yesterday, the same you I’ll be in love with tomorrow. I love that you’re fragile and tough, quiet and kick-ass. Hell, you’re one of the punkest girls I know, no matter who you listen to or what you wear.’”
“‘You guys seemed, still seem, in love, truly, deeply.’ She sighed. ‘But seventeen is an inconvenient time to be in love.’”
“‘I can lose you like that if I don’t lose you today. I’ll let you go. If you stay.’”
“‘Are you feeling okay?’ I try not to sound like the blaming girlfriend. Why won’t you spend time with me? Why won’t you call me back? Don’t you like me anymore?”
“At least you don’t have to have the evidence under your sweater. I’m a planet,”
“Both touched toward fourteen; it almost trembled in their hands. And that was the October week when they grew up overnight, and were never so young any more.”
“I wish I were popular and beautiful and wealthy and talented.”
“Inside her, there was a speck of Brian, a spark of him turning over and over within her... something she was going to have anyway, so why not now?”
“Any astronomer can predict with absolute accuracy just where every star in the universe will be at 11.30 tonight. He can make no such prediction about his teenage daughter.”
″So thank you, Justin. Sincerely. My very first kiss was wonderful. And for the month or so that we lasted, and everywhere that we went, the kisses were wonderful. You were wonderful.”
“I was thirteen at last, so I’d thank you to call me Joe, not Joey, and I walked a few strides ahead of Mary Alice. For one thing, she’d been taking dancing lessons all year and never went anywhere without her tap shoes in a drawstring bag.”
“Just to summarize: I lurched into Rachel’s room like a zombie, freaking her out, then went for a fist pound. It is impossible to be less smooth than Greg S. Gaines.”
“We used to be pretty good friends, but fourteen-year-old girls are psychotic.”
“Yesterday, I had a dream... A dream I have had since long ago. In that dream, we had yet to turn 13. We were in a vast countryside, completely covered with snow. The lights of the houses extended far into the distance, a dazzling sight.”
“That girl didn’t want to die. She just wanted out of that house. She wanted out of that decorating scheme.”
“Something sick at the heart of the country had infected the girls. Our parents thought it had to do with our music, our godlessness, or the loosening of morals regarding sex we hadn’t even had.”
“We had a party at the end of the week over at Quendy’s, because her parents were off choking somewhere. That was when everyone was having those choking parties. I mean, it was completely midlife crisis.”
″‘I’m just gonna go ahead and nip this thing in the bud. Cuz you know, they say pregnancy often leads to, you know... an infant.‘”
“Four teenagers risk impossible odds to fight against tyranny in a world of dangerous choices.”
oppressive government, four teenagers escape their boarding schools, there is a whole underground rebellion in the works.
“The book takes a surprising turn after the teens escape the school and go on a journey to look for freedom. The hardships that they face is unbelievable since the “Phalange” who is a fascist organization in power seeks to kill them.”
When J.J.’s mother reveals that she wants more time for her birthday, J.J. decides to go and find some. A task, at first, that seems like an impossible undertaking for a fifteen-year-old. That is until a neighbor shows J.J. an unlikely place to look for everyone’s lost time.
The mom listening to whales sing in the bathtub while standing on one foot = yoga; and the older brother that’s a teenager in his room with headphones on and a shirt that reads, “Shut up and go away.” A good book to read as an introduction to family discussion because the family is so large, someone everyone would be able to relate to.
“The concept behind these types of educational projects is to on the one hand install a sense of responsibility into as yet often woefully carefree and naively irresponsible teenagers (how it feels to be totally and wholly on the proverbial hook for something, in this case a flour baby) and on the other hand to make both male and female adolescents think and consider twice with regard to sexuality, with regard to especially unprotected intercourse, as parenthood is shown to be, parenthood means continuous commitment, responsible thinking (or at least, it should).”
Simon even somewhat coming to terms, even being able to fathom a bit why his father abandoned the family, why fatherhood was so traumatic an experience for him and to him that he left, that he ran away.
“You’re all walking teen-movie stereotypes...I’m the omniscient narrator.”
Along the way, the book carefully traces their tumultuous relationship, from their first hopeful meeting, to the boy’s loneliness when his family was away and she never called, to her betrayal of him with a rival. It is revealing the innermost thoughts of a teenage boy at a vulnerable time in his life.
“I bought this magazine in today, Sister, to speak to everyone about how insulted we are as teenagers and how important it is that we think for ourselves and not through magazines that exploit us under the guise of educating us.′ Sera, another friend of mine, poked her fingers down her mouth as if she was going to vomit. Sster and I stared at each other for a long time before she held out her hand again. I passed the magazine to her knowing she hand’t been fooled. ‘You can pick it up from Sister Louise,’ she said, referring to the principal.”
“Life outside school, though, was a different story. The reaction of the Italian mothers to my mother being unmarried drove my crazy at times. There is nothing terrible romantic about my mother’s supposed fall from grace. She slept with the boy next door when they were sixteen and before anything could be decided his family moved to Adelaide. Although he new she was pregnant he never bothered to contact her again.”
Anastasia deals with everyday problems such as popularity, the wart on her thumb or the new arrival of her little brother, Sam. The book is written in episodic fashion, each chapter self-contained with minimal narrative link to the others. At the end of each chapter is a list written by Anastasia, listing her likes and dislikes, showing the character’s growth and development through the story.
“So she wrote on her green notebook, ‘Why don’t I like Mrs Westvessel?’ and began to make a list of reasons. Making lists of reasons was sometimes a good way to figure things out. ‘Reason one’ wrote Anastasia, ‘Because she isn’t a good teacher.’
“Anastasia went home. She wanted to tell her parents about her decision to become a Catholic, but she knew that she had to tell them at the right moment, in the right way, because if would be something of a surprise. They might even be a little upset, she suspected, that she was changing her name.”
“The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13¾ is the first book in the Adrian Mole series of comedic fiction.The book is written in a diary style, and focuses on the worries and regrets of a teenager who believes himself to be an intellectual.”
″ I have been up and down the stairs all day. I cooked a big dinner for them tonight: two poached eggs with beans, and tinned semolina pudding. (t is a good job I wore the green lurex apron because the poached eggs escaped out of the pan and got all over me.)”
“Had a good look at my face in the bathroom mirror today. I have got five spots as well as one on my chin. I have got a few hairs on my lip. It looks as if I shall have to start shaving soon.”
“While their surreptitious friendship widens poetry-obsessed Perdita takes her to a university course and to her abusive home, it also creates escalating tension between Megan and her girlfriends.”
“Though the friendship between the two never quite reaches the same level of realism, readers will empathize with Perdita, and with Megan when she is ultimately forced to choose.”
″‘I don’t want to be a man,’ said Jace. ‘I want to be an angst-ridden teenager who can’t confront his own inner demons and takes it out verbally on other people instead.‘”
The girls (in Halinka’s room) are 12 (well they’re in two grades so I’d guess different ages by at least a year) but they did seem a bit younger to me. Maybe 10? Maybe 11? Given their backgrounds and circumstances and given that this is historical fiction and not contemporary, I guess they could seem a bit younger to me than they are.
The Vampaneze Lord is the ruler of the Vampaneze. The Vampaneze Lord is decided when a normal human enters the Coffin of Fire is engulfed in flames and comes out unharmed.
Her fight for truth starts after only a few days spent shocked and hopeless in an emergency hospital in Herleshausen.
Two allegorical stories, one of a boy named Africa and one of a captive Alaskan wolf who has only one eye, Blue Wolf, merge through a unique device in this unusual tale.
Denny, a teenager, is one of the unlucky ones, a survivor, one of those who have come through a nuclear war alive.
“In 1986 teenager Steven Messenger discovers gruesome relics from that wreck. Four months later he disappears without a trace.”
“Steven Messenger, a student at Hamelin High School, discovered the hand in a cave among cliffs to the north of the Murchison River Mouth. The hand had been sealed in an iron pot and hidden at the back of the cave.”
“What kind of wood is best for making fire? What should you call a crocodile to his face?”
″ She’s a wild child; he wears khakis. She has insatiable wanderlust; he prefers to stay home with a book.”
“Long Island teenagers Hal and Roger Hunt explore uncharted Amazon River with their father, expert naturalist John Hunt for his exotic animal collection. ”
“When someone asks when she was last truly happy, she knows, without a doubt, it was on that ill-fated, final trip with Alex.”

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