“There’s a dreamy guy, looking all pulled together and gorgeous and here’s me, being all cough-spastic, breath-wheeze-cough-cough death rattle. That is it. I’m going to choke to death in an elevator dressed like I’m on my way to a hooker’s funeral, and this blonde male model is going to watch me die.”
“There is a strange and peculiar sensation experienced in recovering from a state of insensibility, which is almost indescribable; a sort of dreamy, confused consciousness; a half-waking half-sleeping condition, accompanied with a feeling of weariness, which, however, is by no means disagreeable.”
‘Everybody, I suppose, knows the dreamy, delicious state in which one lies, half asleep, half awake, while consciousness begins to return after a sound night’s rest in a new place which we are glad to be in, following upon a day of unwonted excitement and exertion. There are few pleasanter pieces of life.”