“Felix seemed ravished with delight when he saw her, every trait of sorrow vanished from his face, and it instantly expressed a degree of ecstatic joy, of which I could hardly have believed it capable; his eyes sparkled, as his cheek flushed with pleasure; and at that moment I thought him as beautiful as the stranger.”
“You worry too much, my little firefly,′ says Felix’s mama. But Felix can’t stop fretting. How can he find a way to make the Worrier go away for good?”
“Felix’s mama buttoned Felix into his pajamas and told him his story. She gave Felix his Mitey-Vite and made sure all his animals were under the covers.”
“Tiny balls of stuffing like pale pink pearls fell from the tear. Clutching his side, Felix ran into the street. Night was falling and the air was becoming colder. Would Felix ever fine his best friend Alexander?”
After a taxing journey through the threatening city streets, Felix finds Alex, but now both are a long way from home. They follow the trail of Felix’s dropped stuffing to find their way back.
“As he wandered through the streets the houses seemed to grow taller. Felix felt scared and very small. Suddenly Felix heard a scream. It was Alexander, in the grip of a fearsome monster! Felix quickly unpacked his torch and shone it at Alexander and the monster. The monster turned to stone under the bright beam of light.”
“Felix had to find Alexander. He packed his torch into his suitcase and went out to look for Alexander. Felix climbed out of window, edged across to the drainpipe and slid down in to the garden.”
“One afternoon Alexander did not return home from his walk as his usual time. Felix waited and waited and became very worried. He decided that Alexander must be lost.”