
falling Quotes

50 of the best book quotes about falling
“When you’re falling in a forest and there’s nobody around Do you ever really crash, or even make a sound?”
“To the ground I fall. I can never stay aloft too long. Not when there’s an ugly and heavy truth always dragging me back down.”
“And I suddenly feel the branch give way I’m on the ground My arm goes numb I look around And I see him come to get me He’s come to get me And ev’rything’s okay.”
“if you were born with the weakness to fall you were born with the strength to rise”
“As he that walks in slippery places is ... liable to fall, he can’t foresee one moment whether he shall stand or fall the next; and when he does fall, he falls at once, without warning.”
″‘Precious, precious, precious!’ Gollum cried. ‘My Precious! O my Precious!’ And with that, even as his eyes were lifted up to gloat on his prize, he stepped too far, toppled, wavered for a moment on the brink, and then with a shriek he fell. Out of the depths came his last wail precious, and he was gone.”
“A twisted dagger of smoke drifted up from the gun barrel. Fallen on one knee he groped for the bullet, sickened as it moved, and fell over as the forest flew upward, and she, making muted noises of triumph and despair, danced on her toes around the stricken hero.”
“Crowley: the angel who did not so much fall as saunter vaguely downwards”
“Suddenly some force struck him in the chest and side, making it still harder to breathe, and he fell through the hole and there at the bottom was a light.”
″‘How . . .’ Dalinar said. ‘You fell into a chasm!’ ‘I fell face-first, sir,’ Kaladin said, ‘and fortunately, I’m particularly hard-headed.‘”
″‘I will take responsibility for what I have done,’ Dalinar whispered. ‘If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man.‘”
“‘It’s our nature. We destroy. It’s the constant of our kind. No matter the color of blood, man will always fall.‘”
″‘How do you like falling in?’ said the princess. ‘Beyond everything,’ answered he; ‘for I have fallen in with the only perfect creature I ever saw.’
“I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in.”
“The higher you build walls around your heart, the harder you fall when someone tears them down.”
“Thanks to our low gravity, no one got hurt falling to the ground. A few scrapes and bruises is all.”
“Among you boys you have a game: you stand a row of bricks on end a few inches apart; you push a brick, it knocks its neighbor over, the neighbor knocks over the next brick--and so on till all the row is prostrate. That is human life.”
“That was a day with a trapdoor, and we all fell through.”
“As Peyton Fahrquhar fell straight downward through the bridge he lost consciousness and was as one already dead. From this state he was awakened - ages later, it seemed to him - by a sharp pressure upon his throat, followed by a sense of suffocation.”
“But, luckily, he kept his wits and his purple crayon. He made a balloon and he grabbed on to it.”
“She looked neither left nor right for she had eyes only for the sweet grass, and before she knew it SHE FELL IN THE CANAL!”
″ Next from the pileup skinned-knee D and stubbed-toe E and patched up F. ”
″ Skit skat skoodle doot. Flip flop flee. Everybody running to the coconut tree.”
“The whole alphabet up the- Oh, no!”
“But as he looked down over the other side he slipped-- And there wasn’t any other side of the mountain. He was falling, in thin air. ”
“Soon Marc called out for his mom again. ‘I’m afraid I’ll fall out of bed’, he told her. ‘Don’t worry my love,’ his mom answered. ‘I’ll fix that, and soon you’ll drift off to sleep.’ ”
“It was only as he fell the last five hundred feet, as he heard the clock strike twelve, that he realized two things. He was falling too fast. And he had missed the flat roof.”
“Humphrey had a bit of a problem with the stairs... and his box... and because Mop was on top he fell, flop, plop, down the stairs.”
“Trouble eventually caught up with them during a daring visit to a truckstop. The turtle fell on his back and couldn’t get up.”
“The baby bird fell. Max flew to save it. Max flew the baby bird back to its nest.”
“He rushed outside in confusion. There was snow everywhere. It was slippery under his feet. Suddenly he felt himself falling over backwards...”
“Daddy took me to see the new union building he is working on. He can walk on steel girders high up in the sky and not fall. They call him the Cat.”
“This is the bear who went to the dump and fell on the pile with a bit of a bump.”
“This is the bear who fell in the bin.”
“I remember falling. At least I think I do. Or maybe that’s just because I know I fell.”
“I note the window I must have climbed out of, since it’s the only one with roof access. For some reason, I expected it to be higher, and I’m embarrassed. Like it’s an insult to my manliness that such a puny fall scrambled my brains.”
“It all hit me at once: the climb, the arrest, the kid falling from the Flatiron... I broke down. My mom held me.”
“He falls off the piano stool and bangs his nose on the floor. The baby laugh and shouts, ‘Again!’ ‘Again?’ says Burglar Bill. ‘I didn’t want to do it the first time!‘”
“I couldn’t stop thinking how easy it would be to fall.”
“He was falling upwards. The earth was snatched away beneath him, and he was screaming. Screaming and falling into the endless black of the night sky. Around him, the stars began to spin, then run together. Then they too disappeared and there was nothing but the darkness.”
“He walked toward her instantly and put out his hand to lay it on her. There was nothing there but intense cold. All grew white about him. He groped on further. The white thickened about him and he felt himself stumbling and falling. But as he fell, he rolled over the threshold. It was thus that Diamond got to the back of the north wind.”
“Simon felt as if he were perched on the brink of the world and might fall off if Pet stumbled.”
“Where was romance now, in the cold house of her great-aunt? Her eyes fell bitterly on the sensible underwear and the sombre skirt. The ball-dress had fallen off the chair out of sight, as if quenched by the stark uniform of everyday. It symbolized exactly Christina’s feelings.”
“Losing concentration, Yukin almost fell as the land dipped beneath the grasses of the plains. Somehow he kept his footing, aware that the hunter birds were cruising the air currents in search of him. He knew he had no choice other than to flee.”
“Here’s what I can do Chew gum, write, spell, stand on my head for the longest amount of time, stand on my toes, get dizzy and fall down, make a terrible face And here’s the thing of it Most of the time I’m on the telephone”
“Sometimes I get terribly sick and have to be waited on Sometimes I get so sick my head falls over and is wobbling until it is loose”
“He was secretly laughing because Uncle had fallen over a tree trunk, and one tusk was fast in the ground.”
“Tiny balls of stuffing like pale pink pearls fell from the tear. Clutching his side, Felix ran into the street. Night was falling and the air was becoming colder. Would Felix ever fine his best friend Alexander?”
“Mrs. Moss had always distrusted the river, not for herself, but because she was afraid of her children falling in. The only one who had done so, years ago, was David’s elder brother Dick; the falling in had had no special effect upon him, unless perhaps it had given him a taste for water- he was in the Navy now.”
“Well! after such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs! How brave they’ll all think me at home! Why, I wouldn’t say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the house!”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 9

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