
go together Quotes

10 of the best book quotes about go together
“It is so sharp that it slips in very quickly. But, Much-Afraid, I have already warned you that Love and Pain go together, for a time at least. If you would know Love, you must know pain too.”
“You forget that, in the dark, we must move closer together in order to see each other. You were never alone.”
“It would be hard to explain, but if you ever get there, come find me. Nothing would ever pull us apart.”
“Imagine what we would accomplish together if we left our egos at the door.”
The story is told from the spoon’s perspective and is about the adventures the dish and the spoon go on together.
“There can be no love without justice.”
“ ‘What would you like to do now?’ the gorilla asked. ‘I’d love to go to the cinema,’ said Hannah. So they did.”
“ ‘If you’re going to go out in a storm there should be at least two of you,’ said Grandpa. ‘And you should be properly dressed. Let’s go.’ “
“Everything belonged here, everything blended together—except for himself.”
They flee together into Tibet, and reach a major Tibetan temple. With his strict Calvinistic upbringing Theodore is at first repelled and horrified by lamaistic Buddhism, but eventually comes to terms with it.
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