
gray Quotes

Four of the best book quotes about gray
″ ‘I gather colors,’ answered Frederick simply. ‘For winter is gray.’ ”
“So the peddler picked up his caps and put them back on his head- first his own checked cap, then the gray caps, then the brown caps, then the blue caps, then the red caps on the very top.”
“each monkey pulled off his cap…and all the gray caps, and all the brown caps, and all the blue caps, and all the red caps came flying down out of the tree.”
“In the middle of the ring of birds on the ceiling, a circle seemed to open up to which all the primitive colors were returning. The thousand greens of the jungles, the white of waterfalls and, from the land of wading birds, the pink and grey of the wetlands, with a red sun trembling on the muddy, bloodshot surface.”
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