
heads Quotes

32 of the best book quotes about heads
“Groups, staring at the ground, looking horribly sad; they all had one thing in common: they were all terribly skinny and their eyes were sunken and they all had shaved heads”
“Don’t you hear it? She asked & I shook my head no & then she started to dance & suddenly there was music everywhere & it went on for a very long time & when I finally found words all I could say was thank you. ”
“Beep beep, that’s Door. Ma jumps up and makes a sound, I think she hit her head. She shuts Wardrobe tight.”
“Nothing happens in the ‘real’ world unless it first happens in the images in our heads”
“Awareness of our situation must come before inner changes, which in turn come before changes in society. Nothing happens in the “real” world unless it first happens in the images in our heads.”
“We are taught that the body is an ignorant animal intelligence dwells only in the head. But the body is smart. It does not discern between external stimuli and stimuli from the imagination. It reacts equally viscerally to events from the imagination as it does to real events.”
“Just then his schoolboy son had crept softly in and gone up to the bedside. The dying man was still screaming desperately and waving his arms. His hand fell on the boy’s head, and the boy caught it, pressed it to his lips, and began to cry.”
“My father says that there is only one perfect view — the view of the sky straight over our heads.”
“I could still hear the that tapping in my head, repeating itself again and again, like a popular melody that plays continually in your mind and even stops you from sleeping. I knew that if Clifton didn’t report for work the next morning, I would never be rid of it.”
“Failure isn’t so bad if it doesn’t attack the heart. Success is all right if it doesn’t go to the head.”
″ ‘And I love you all the way up to your toes,’ said Big Nutbrown Hare, swinging him up over his head.”
“Toad walked along the path. A large, soft drop of chocolate ice cream slipped down his arm. ‘This ice cream is melting in the sun,’ said Toad. Toad walked faster. Many drops of melting ice cream flew through the air. They fell down on Toad’s head. ‘I must hurry back to Frog!’ he cried. “
“...a huge head burst through the surface of the water and loomed up over him. It was a whale. ‘What sort of fish are you?’ the whale asked. ‘You must be one of a kind!’ ‘I’m not a fish,’ said Amos. ‘I’m a mouse, which is a mammal, the highest form of life. I live on land.’ ‘Holy clam and cuttlefish!’ said the whale. ‘I’m a mammal myself, though I live in the sea. Call me Boris,’ he added.”
“In the split second that he stood still to consider this interesting information, Mum emptied the bottle of supersonic nit-blasting shampoo over his hair. ‘No!’ screamed Henry. Frantically he shook his head. There was shampoo on the door. There was shampoo on the floor Mum and Dad. The only place there was no shampoo was on Henry’s head. ‘Henry! Stop being horrid!’ yelled Dad, wiping shampoo off his jacket.?
“ ‘The children are just getting into their beds. They sleep in bunk beds, ‘ she explained, and so they did. Two to a bed, head to tail, stacked five beds high.”
“So the peddler picked up his caps and put them back on his head- first his own checked cap, then the gray caps, then the brown caps, then the blue caps, then the red caps on the very top.”
“And he sat down very slowly, under the tree and leaned back little by little against the tree-trunk so as not to disturb the caps on his head. ”
“Grandma Poss held her breath - and waited. ‘It’s worked! It’s worked!’ she cried. And she was right. Hush could be seen from head to tail. Grandma Poss hugged Hush, and they both danced ‘Here We Go Round Lamington Plate’ till early in the morning.”
“Once there was a peddler who sold caps. But he was not like an ordinary peddler carrying his wares on his back. He carried them on top of his head.”
“The King sighed so heavily, and seemed so low-spirited, and sat down so miserably, leaning his head upon his hand, and his elbow upon the kitchen table pushed away in the corner, that the seventeen Princes and Princesses crept softly out of the kitchen, and left him alone with the Princess Alicia and the angelic baby.”
She determines to fight vehemently to prevent such a catastrophe from ever happening again, and if necessary even to beat the truth into the heads of the ignorant.
“Here’s what I can do Chew gum, write, spell, stand on my head for the longest amount of time, stand on my toes, get dizzy and fall down, make a terrible face And here’s the thing of it Most of the time I’m on the telephone”
“Just as he was looking to see if he had anything left to eat, something hit him on the head. It was a tangerine. He had been sleeping right under a tree full of big, fat tangerines.”
“Sometimes I get terribly sick and have to be waited on Sometimes I get so sick my head falls over and is wobbling until it is loose”
“All night long Ping slept near the grasses on the bank of the river with his head tucked under his wing, and when the sun rose up from the east Ping found he was all alone on the Yangtze river.”
“A whistling woman and a crowing hen deserves to have their heads cut off?′
“Bulbo had carried a rose in his mouth all the time of the dismal ceremony. It was a fairy rose, and he was told by his mother that he ought never to part with it. So he had kept it between his teeth, even when he laid his poor head upon the block, hoping vaguely that some chance would turn up in his favour.”
“Bless you, my darling children! Now you are united and happy; and now you see what I said from the first, that a little misfortune has done you both good. YOU, Giglio, had you been bred in prosperity, would scarcely have learned to read or write - you would have been idle and extravagant, and could not have been a good king as now you will be. You, Rosalba, would have been so flattered, that your little head might have been turned like Angelica’s, who thought herself too good for Giglio.”
“Blinky Bill had water from the stream sprinkled on his head, much to his surprise, and the ceremony ended without any more interruptions. He was carried home again on his mother’s back, feeling very important after all the fuss and petting.”
“From Market Oh who’ll give us Posies, And Garlands of Roses, To twine round our heads to gay? For here we come bringing You many good wishes to-day. From Market-from market-from market- We all come up from market.”
“Mr. Bear, do you see these two ears on my head? My ears are so keen and so sharp and so fine. No ears in the world can hear further than mine!”
The King’s argument was, that anything that had a head could be beheaded, and that you weren’t to talk nonsense.
Source: Chapter 8, Paragraph 69

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