
how to live Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about how to live
“There are obviously two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live. Surely these should never be confused in the mind of any man who has the slightest inkling of what culture is.”
“Perhaps in fact the two things are actually one thing. Perhaps the flaw in man is exactly this: that he doesn’t know how he ought to live.”
“In effect, you’re saying that if you knew how to live, then the flaw in man could be controlled. If you knew how you ought to live, you wouldn’t be forever screwing up the world.”
“We must acknowledge that we depend on God and choose to live our life for Him. Even though we are a new creation, we still must decide to live like we are.”
“Lord, show me anything in me that is not right in Your eyes so I can confess it before You, because I choose to live Your way.”
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