
physical senses Quotes

Seven of the best book quotes about physical senses
“In their very great misery they had become insensible to the bite of the lash or the bruise of the club.”
“I remember thinking how much better we are, how much better off, when we’re with Mercer. Despite the pain. Physical pain but spiritually together; I felt everyone else, all over the world, all who had fused at the same time.”
“Beyond the senses are the objects, beyond the objects is the mind, beyond the mind is the intellect, beyond the intellect is the great Atman.”
“He who knows that this body is like froth, and has learnt that it is as unsubstantial as a mirage, will break the flower-pointed arrow of Mara, and never see the king of death.”
“We prefer sight to almost everything else. The reason is that this, most of all the senses, makes us know and brings to light many differences between things.”
Sutra 2.32: sauca-santosa-tapah-svâdhyâyesvara-prañidhânâni niyamâh Translation: Cleanliness and purity of body and mind, an attitude of contentment, discipline, self-study and reflection on sacred words, and an attitude of surrender are the observances or practices of self-training, and are the second rung on the ladder of yoga, otherwise known as the Niyamas.
“There was no day or night that passed when I didn’t listen for sounds from the sky. Both my sense of touch and my sense of hearing were beginning to make up for my lack of sight. I separated the sound and each became different.”
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