
Randal Quotes

Seven of the best book quotes from Randal
″‘You have something there- an ill behaved puppy- that belongs to me. Pray you hand it over to my squire, for training.’ And the lazy voice replied, faintly drawling, ‘Let the Lord of Arundel forgive me, I fear I am something too busy.‘”
“He was nine years old now, going on ten, and officially a dog-boy, but in actual fact just something of a no account, to be kicked by anyone who felt like kicking, and plenty of people did.”
″ that instant, as the new Lord reined back a little, looking up at his inheritance, the thing happened. A very small thing, but it was to change Randal’s whole life. He dropped the half-eaten fig.”
“If I can keep out of his way for a few days, he’ll forget all about it. And he did laugh- afterwards. Maybe he wasn’t so very angry after all, maybe it was just the sun that made his eyes look like that.”
“Randal lay on his back, lapping up the sunshine until he felt that it was pouring right through him so that if he got up he would have no shadow.”
“Hugh Goch’s face was white and thin under the flame of his hair, long-boned and almost delicate, but his eyes were the cold, inhuman, gold-rimmed eyes of a bird of prey, and looking into them, Randal was more afraid than he had ever been in his life before.”
“All his life, Randal was able to remember that scene in its every last detail, the torch making a ragged core of light in the heart of the crowding gloom, and in it, the intent faces of the two men, and their intent hands, and between them, on the magpie-chequer of the board, the two armies of fantastic shapes that marched and pranced and wavered to and fro...”
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