
kicking Quotes

11 of the best book quotes about kicking
“I looked at him and thought about having to go through it all over again. The kicking and the screaming and the messes and more – much more. I felt so angry that I kicked the wall.”
“She was going with the whales into the sea and the rain. She was a small figure in a white dress, kicking at the whale as if it were a horse, her braids swinging in the rain.”
“The alligator’s tongue was flicking. The alligator’s feet were kicking. Then the alligator’s mouth opened up v-e-r-y wide, creak. . . creak . . . creak . . . as if to invite the children inside.”
″‘It’s the only way to get rid of nits,’ said Dad. ‘But it never works!’ screamed Henry. And he ran for the door. Mum and Dad grabbed him. Then they dragged him kicking and screaming to the bathroom. ‘Nits are living creatures,’ howled Henry. ‘Why kill them.’ ‘Because...’ said Mum. ‘Because...because... they’re blood-sucking nits,’ said Dad. Blood-sucking. Henry had never thought of that. ”
“ ‘I’ve got it!’ he cried. ‘I could climb up this plant, swing from the leaves, kick the trap door open and jump in!’ In case it wobbled, Bramwell Brown, Duck and Rabbit steadied the pot. Little Bear bravely climbed up the plant until he reached the very top leaf. He took hold of it and started to swing to and fro, but he swung so hard that the lead broke and he went crashing down. Luckily, Bramwell Brown was right underneath to catch him in his paws.”
“For a little while, they all went along happily but then…The goat kicked. The calf trampled. The chickens flapped. The sheep bleated.”
″ ‘May I join you, Mr. Grumpy?’ said the goat. ‘Very well, but don’t kick.’ ”
″ ‘That was a great shot’, says the little boy. ‘The best and longest anyone has kicked on our street.’ ‘Do you really think so?’ says Alfie? Now he is happy, too.”
“Does Pop know Officer Moore gets paid for not working? For killing me? I want to kick something, scream, break down. But what’s the use?”
“Goalkeeping was the main interest in Sim’s life. In his nursery days the one indoor pastime that satisfied him was when his mother kicked a rubber ball from the living-room into the kitchen, while Sim stood goal at the middle door. It was rare even then that he let one pass.”
“He was nine years old now, going on ten, and officially a dog-boy, but in actual fact just something of a no account, to be kicked by anyone who felt like kicking, and plenty of people did.”
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