
staring Quotes

Four of the best book quotes about staring
“you fall into the mirror, come through the other side staring at a lightbulb.”
“Everyone stared. An old lady from Beacon Hill said: ‘Isn’t it amazing!’ and the man who swept the streets said: ‘Well, now ain’t that nice!’ and when Mrs. Mallard heard them she was so proud she tipped her nose in the air and walked along with an extra swing in her waddle.”
“A few raindrops came, gentle at first, then stronger and louder, so that Caleb and I covered our ears and stared at each other without speaking. Caleb looked frightened and I tried to smile at him.”
“The three children stood looking at each other in the middle of the Australian desert. Motionless as the outcrops of granite they stared, and stared, and stared. Between them the distance was less than the spread of an outstretched arm, but more than a hundred thousand years.”
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