
mirrors Quotes

13 of the best book quotes about mirrors
“And when that celestial chime sounds, perhaps a mirror will suddenly serve its truer purpose—revealing to a man not who he imagines himself to be, but who he has become.”
“There was nothing else there in the mirror. Just her, in the corridor. A hand touched her shoulder, and she looked up. The other mother stared down at Coraline with big black button eyes.”
“I shut the bathroom door and caught sight of my face in the mirror. I had no idea how quickly it was to change, to fade. If I had, I would have stared at my reflection, memorizing it. It was the last time I would look into a real mirror for more than a decade.”
“ matter the flaws you find when you look at yourself in the mirror, somewhere on God’s earth, you are really “doing it” for someone - someone out there is attracted to you.”
“you fall into the mirror, come through the other side staring at a lightbulb.”
“Maybe a nice look in the mirror is in order, Missy.”
“She’d felt ragingly alive in the dream, but now she’s as inert as the eggs cooling on a plate. Ther’s a mirror her in the bedroom, too, but she chooses not to look at it, just in case her hunch is true and she’s invisible.”
“The universe is the mirror in which we can contemplate only what we have learned to know in ourselves.”
“Sarah brushed my hair and tied it up in back with a rose velvet ribbon she had brought from Maine. She brushed hers long and free and tied it back, too, and we stood side by side looking into the mirror. I looked taller, like Sarah, and fair and thin. And with my hair pulled back I looked a little like her daughter. Sarah’s daughter.”
“That night Treehorn was watching TV. As he reached over to change channels, he noticed that his hand was bright green. He looked in the mirror that was hanging over the television set. His face was green. His ears were green. His hair was green. He was green all over.
“Everybody else needs mirrors to remind themselves who they are. You’re no different.”
“The mirrors in your mind can reflect the best of yourself, not the worst of someone else.”
“For now he understood that the elf had bewitched him, and that the creature whose image he saw in the glass- was he, himself.”
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