“Bees in the late summer sun, drone their song of yellow moons. Trimming black velvet, droning, droning a sleepysong. Honeybees are very tricky_ honey doesn’t make them sticky.”
“Hurt no living thing: ladybug not butterfly. Nor moth with dusty wing, not cricket chirping cheerily, nor grasshopper so light of leap, nor dancing gnat, not beetle fat, nor harmless worms that creep.”
“What do caterpillars do? Nothing much but chew and chew. What do caterpillars know? Nothing much but how to grow. They just cat what by and by will make them a butterfly. But that is more than I can do however much I chew and chew.”
“Hamsters are the nicest things that anyone could own. I like them even better than some dogs that I have known. Their fur is soft, their faces nice. They’re small when they are grown. And they sit inside your pocket when you are all alone.”
“My dog didn’t bark at anything _ a cat, a bird, a piece of string, a siren or a silly toad, a pick-up truck along the road, a fence, a bone, a chewed-up shoe _ he barked because he wanted to.”